No real story here, just fluff you'd most likely find inbetween chapters of actual, full-length stories. Didn't stop me, though.

And yeah, just.... don't, okay? Might as well hand out waxed lips if you're handing out popcorn balls. Geez...

Happy Nightmare Night, everypony!

Chapters (1)

Set before the movie, Sunset Shimmer sent Flash Sentry to get information regarding the crown that she plans to steal. One shot.

Chapters (1)

Manehatten's streets aren't a pretty site. Besides crime everywhere, East Side Gang was one of the largest around, rivaled only by South Side. But Manehatten isn't just a stage for criminals:

It's a stage for musicians.

Trumpeteer, a new entertainer on the streets is about to learn that the only thing you can trust on the streets is money, bodyguards, and a gun. And two outta the three won't help ya here.

Chapters (1)

The Rainbooms and Dazzlings are both blown away when a third party comes out on top during Canterlot High School's Talent Show. Written as an alternative to the finale of the movie Rainbow Rocks, this story presents a scenario to illustrate why trap and drill music from the South Side of Chicago should have appeared in the Equestria Girls sequel.

Chapters (1)

When exploring the Crystal Castle, Cadence accidentally discovered Sombra's Diary. Curious she reads a few pages to find out more about the previous ruler.

Cover Art by: Oak Sabletwist

Chapters (1)

A deranged human journalist is invited to explore the newfound world of Equestria, the land of magic and whimsy and adventure. To the ire of everyone involved, and especially Twilight, he isn't particularly impressed.

Things get messy when he decides to become the self-appointed savior of humankind and assassinate one of the princesses.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Heart of Gold (A Hearts and Hooves Day Special)

Golden Flare has been dealing with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's Nightmare night pranks for a looooooong time, hardly even caring about what they do to him, especially now that he and Pinkie were dating, mainly because their pranks were always harmless and all in good fun.

But last year, they went so far, they humiliated him in front of the entire town. The laughing, the teasing, the mocking...

Well, Golden decided that this year will be different, He'll dress up, adopt a mysterious persona called, Shadow Blaze, and he'll prank, not just Rainbow and Pinkie, but all of Ponyville as well for his humiliation, this is going to be big!

...But with nothing but revenge on his brain, how far will his pranks go before he realizes there's such a thing as, too far...?

Don't mind the Dark tag, nothing sinister will be on here, just some scary pranks.

The Romance tag will be for short moments with Pinkie and my OC, Golden.

The Comedy tag will be for scenes that aren't the creepy kind of funny, just wanted to clarify that now.

Chapters (1)

Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie are hired to throw an anniversary party in Paris for the Mayor and her husband. Unfortunately, a band of thieves also has their sights set on the party, with every intention of crashing it.

Chapters (11)

Siegfried had done the originally thought impossible. He finally defeated the Azure Knight, Nightmare after so long. Upon the death of Nightmare, Soul Edge simply shattered in pieces. Fragments of the cursed sword were scattered across the tower's floor. The evil that plagued his life for many years was now dead.

Finally, he would be forgiven for his sins.

Ice began to crystallize over Nightmare's body, forever entrapping in him in a prison that not even Soul Edge could escape from. As Siegfried began to walk away, he was stopped by an unfamiliar voice.

"You are not done yet." He spoke. "There is still so much more for you do."

Siegfried quickly turned, raising his blade in defense. He was then met face-to-face with the ancient Hero King, Algol. Adorned in scale-like armor, in one of his clawed hands were the fragments of Soul Edge. He beckoned to Soul Calibur as the blade flew from Siegfried hands into Algol's. He then completely shattered it with his power before turning away from the holy knight.

Both his hands began to glow, blinding Siegfried as he was enveloped in a blinding light. As he awoke seemingly many hours later, Siegfried seemed to be in a very bright-colored town unlike any village he had seen before.

Many curious, colorful horse-like creatures quickly surrounded him. Much to his surprise, they could speak intelligently. One particular, purple creature cautiously walked up to the tall man and simply asked one question, one that would forever change Equestria.

"Who are you?"

Chapters (2)

Twilight and Rainbow Dash decide to enjoy a quiet, romantic date before Nightmare Night, little do they know, their Nightmare Night will be starting early.

Chapters (3)