"On the longest day of the thousandth year, the Stars will aid her escape"
That's the warning Twilight Sparkle read learned of Nightmare Moon coming back. But when she confronts her at Town Hall, Nightmare Moon kidnaps her instead.
Spike and a group of mismatched ponies make their way through the Everfree Forest, hoping to defeat Nightmare moon and save Twilight!

Alternate universe where Twilight is kidnapped by Nightmare Moon and a different group of six becomes the Elements of Harmony.
Part of the Rewritten set.
Rated T for children swearing and a few darker scenes.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Tricks Of The Trade Show

In many ways, Rarity is still trying to settle back into Ponyville life. Her first moons after dropping out of boarding school have been hectic: preparing for that now-passed first trade show, opening the Boutique. She's been completely out of the gossip circuit and doesn't know what she missed for events, scandal -- and new arrivals. She and Pinkie have spent years with neither knowing the other existed.

As if that was going to last.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. This story takes place shortly after the events of its prequel and while it can be read as a stand-alone, checking out the original piece might help.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (4)

Follow along with two stories, one in the past as a guard struggles to be accepted into society, and in the present where a mare still struggles to do the same.

The first story follows along a Royal Guard by the name of Ash Sparrow, a bat pony.

The second story is is in the present, 1000 years after his story. It follows along a mare by the name of Alice Sparrow.

Both have very similar stories, struggling to fit in a world that hates them.

Can they find peace and love, or will it end in misery, pain, and strife instead?

{And thank you For This Comment, and no thanks to This Other Comment for coming up with the character names (two of them at least)}

Chapters (18)

Applejack couldn't imagine a better Hearth's Warming Eve. Her parents were coming to the farm, and she couldn't wait to see her filly and Apple Bloom open their presents as she and her husband looked on. It was the perfect holiday... perhaps too perfect.

Chapters (1)

Silver Storm, a Weather Lieutenant fancies Spitfire, but when challenged by the fact she's his captain and a tough and a determined Wonderbolt, can he win her affections? Not to mention, there are other Bolts around and he has a little sister.

Chapters (1)

Sunset is looking back on the events in her life that truly matter. There are some that she regrets, but others she wouldn't trade for the world.

Continuity: Homecoming

With a Reading by Allykitty

Featured Sidebar 3-27-2017

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle screwed up magic experimentation. Again. So cliche.

Here is her diary post-factum.

Chapters (2)

For Anonymous, Equestria isn't an awful place to live, given time to adjust to everything. But what happens when her ward, Screwball, becomes adopted?

Cover art courtesy of: Blockeraser

Chapters (2)

"Lord" Tirek has been defeated, and now is once again in Tartarus. Yet even as he rails against his fate, one princess comes to ask some questions.

She won't like the answers she gets.

A small little story to fit one headcanon of where Tirek and Scorpan came from. Also the seed of a longer story, but I've got enough unfinished stories on my plate, so call this a little bit of therapy to put the idea to bed so I can work on something that actually needs to be finished.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has lots of important work to do as a princess. Some of what she does is easy, but some isn't. Despite her new rank, the princess has some rules that just can't be broken. The only pony who can help? Mayor Mare.

Thanks to library for cover!

Chapters (5)