
Aradia Megido is a bit of an odd duck. She's been a ghost, part frog, a robot, and a deity- and she has this unhealthy obsession with death. She's been traveling existence looking for fascinating things - for a long, long time. She's ready for a change. And just like that, something calls to her from a world she's never seen before - an encouragement to drop by and visit.

So she goes to Equestria just to see what's there. It doesn't take long for her to realize that there's going to be a plethora of time shenanigans, loops, and alternate timelines. But she finds the prospect of that exciting - even if she has no idea how far it goes.

Crossover with Homestuck. Reading Homestuck is not required, though there are spoilers.

Also serves as an optional prelude to Songs of the Spheres.

-GM, master of hiccups.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Elements of Equestria

Set a few days after "Equestria girls" (Or Elements of Equestria in my case), the girls are enjoying a picnic in the park when they begin to wonder about Twilight Sparkle's and Sunset Shimmer's history together. Sunset decides to come clean to her friends about her past with Twilight Sparkle, and how it shaped the people they turned out to be.

(Second story of my 'Elements of Equestria' series)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to The Prisoner of Zebra

In volume three of the Flash Sentry Papers, the famed hero (and self-professed coward and womanizer), recounts his misadventures during the second changeling infiltration of Canterlot.

With the Princesses captured, it's up to Flash and Special Agent Golden Harvest (a.k.a. Carrot Top) to save the day ... whether Flash likes it or not.

Chapters (8)

Twilight disappeared, fifty years later Celestia receives a letter that will set her on a journey. Celestia will put aside her crown and allow Harmony to guide her hooves one last time. Perhaps she will find more than she ever dreamed, or a nightmare.

Cover art by Little Tigress

Chapters (7)

"Meet me where the snowmelt flows
It is there, my dear, where we'll begin again"

Six moments in the lives of six ponies, forming a window into days gone by.

A nostalgic throwback, and a tribute to the show as it was when I fell in love with it.

Chapters (1)

Even in our darkest moments, the stars shine coldly down – distant and remote, but bright in the blackness. Refuse them, shut them out, and they remain. Let them in, and they may convince you of the warmth in their embrace.

This is not a story about stars.

This is a story about people and ponies, and what they visit on each other in moments of darkness.

With thanks to Neighrator Pony, Thornquill, Illya Leonov, and the ever-loving Dark River, who put themselves all through pre-reading this.

Inducted into the Royal Canterlot Library, 28 October 2017
Reviewed by Seattle's Angels, 4 November 2017

Now with a Russian translation by Doof Ex Machina.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna discuss something that's been on the former's mind ever since Luna returned. Something in her mind even during her sister's lenghty banishment:

The taboo love they share going back 1,000 years ago.

Will they continue their relationship or set it aside?

Rated T for softcore Princest and slight implicit sex, nothing explicit shown.

Chapters (1)

In the heat of the moment, a poor choice of words is all the difference between pragmatism and spite. Especially when spoken out of anger.

Three weeks without a word to her girlfriend has nagged at the back of Applejack's mind. But she's not in the wrong, she's sure of it.

She was only trying to look out for Rainbow's future.

Preread by Jondor.
Vector posted by SlayerBVC on Derpibooru.

Entry for the AppleDash Contest. Soak it in, Tcherno. You absolute heathen.

Chapters (1)

This is my first try at a My Little Pony fanfiction. There contains ABDL content and light sexual content. The story is of Rainbow Dash becoming comfortable with being an ABDL around her friends. This also contains Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash, and a few other shipping's that will be revealed later. If you enjoyed it, please comment to let me know that way I can continue writing it. If you don't want to do that annoying bit of work, a like is also very helpful. Either way, hope you all enjoy it!
-Your's truly,
The New guy: Ironskeleton444

Chapters (1)

Sunset has a quick conversation with twilight about equestrian history which peaks her interest. However still unable to return to her former teacher she seeks out the only ones who know of Equestrians past and still living.

Chapters (2)