
Applejack and her friends has noticed that their best friend Rainbow Dash has been acting a little different lately. She seems actually happy to come to school!

While the other girls brush this change off, Applejack gets even more suspicious when she sees that her brother has been acting different as well!

Trouble ensues as Applejack is determined to find out what is causing the changes in her friend and her brother, and wonders if the changes could be related with one another.

Chapters (12)

Trixie had a simple plan with few steps: buy the magical artifact, use it to get revenge on the town that destroyed her home and the entirety of her worldly possessions, profit. Of course, Trixie hadn't actually thought this through beyond the 'sweet revenge' part, but she was sure that the details would fall into line easily enough once she got the ball rolling.

And then she got the artifact, and decided... differently.

This is the story of how a single pony set fire to the bad writing of an entire region, purely by being one big spanner in the works.

Chapters (2)

For a time, Sunset wore a jacket and pants, even in the hottest summer. Her friends only knew half the story behind why.

By Celestia, it burns.

Chapters (1)

Two powers meet in the mountains to the north, two ponies isolated in a cruel blizzard, two opposing forces ready to clash.

On this holiday, a lesson will be learned. But perhaps reform is too much to hope.

Chapters (1)

"If thou seek'st the sternest of steel, the finest of iron... If thou seek'st the hardiest of armor and the strongest of arms... Come to Everhoof, and be tested."

These words drove many to the tallest mountain in Equus, Mount Everhoof. Words from a tome of ancient days, its texts contents passed down among many prestigious families. Today, a certain young mare goes to this mountain, alone, in search of answers.

And an apprenticeship.

EDIT: Cover art is not mine. If anyone can find the artist, please let me know so I can give credit.

EDIT: Some sex has been requested, and I am allowing it, but it will be very few and far between. Gore will also be present in the makings of some darker weapons.

A Displaced that I am very much excited about, as it will combine, in the future, multiple aspects of different genres. I only hope it will be just as exciting for all of you.

Now, to explain a few major things. This story, well, it will be quite crossover heavy. HOWEVER, none of those crossovers will alter the story itself. AT ALL. Why? Because each crossover will only ever be made for other Displaced to make orders for weapons or armor from this story's Displaced. That's it. Period. End of of story. As far as I'm concerned, this Displaced will NEVER go to another Displaced's world unless it's to get more materials, and even then it won't be him doing it.

I know you all may think that simply because this will be crossover heavy, it will be bad, but trust me, the crossovers will be managed with the UTMOST care. Not only that, I'm making sure to have at least two or three pure story chapters between any actual crossovers, if not four or more.

Furthermore, this Displaced of mine, while he may build relationships with other Displaced, he will NEVER, not even ONCE, engage in any fights, or adventures in any other world but his own, and even in his own it will be limited as all get out.

To put it plainly, this is almost entirely a slice of life story, as the tags above suggest.

Now, I hope all this ranting hasn't turned you lovelies off from reading the story. I just hope you all will give this story a chance. I also hope you all enjoy this, even if only somewhat. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Still up late at night with her love sleeping by her side, Sunset reflects back on everything she and her fiancée have went through since the time they began going out with eachother.

Chapters (1)

Equestria falls more and more into the dark king's control as Twilight Sparkle hastily forces herself into plan after plan. Soon coming to the conclusion she would have to take matters into her own hooves and meet him face to face, even if it costs her life.

The first chapter is a test run, if it does well, I will write more. Make sure to comment feedback! Criticism helps me do better~!
Editing Help In Chapter I&II: EverfreePony
=Cover drawn by me=

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Eveningray-Tempest of the Century

After a year of following clues, Eveningray (the royal sisters' former Professor of Runic Magic) finally finds demon Whisperer in the Castle of the Two Sisters. But the demon is much stronger than she expected and the beast takes over her power. In addition, Whisperer learns how to open a gate of the underworld in the Kingdom of the Midnight Sun and free all other demons. Celestia and Luna must break the demon's spell over Eveningray, in order to save Equestria from her frost, and stop the demon from opening the gate.

Chapters (1)

This started off as a silly experiment with something.

Co-written with a friend who is most definitely not a robot.

It is a normal day in Ponyville, where normal ponies do things that are normal.

Reality is not collapsing in on itself.

I regret nothing

Chapters (1)

Sunset and her friends are now young adults. Ever since their high school days have ended, they all got their own part-time jobs and either live in their own houses or share a couple of them with each other. But peace and tranquility will have to wait, as one day, the electricity goes haywire and strange logos appear on every single electronic screen. Sunset and her friends trace the source to an abandoned factory where another group of young adults are gathered. Apparently, according to them, this has happened before.

Chapters (3)