
A short story from Starlight’s POV about what I think she experience during the Season 8 finale, School Raze.

Spoilers for: The Season 8 finale (duh)

Chapters (1)

When a student at Canterlot High School had her plans for Spring Recess scrapped, the Mane 7 make plans for the student. One night at a time.

Chapters (9)

This is the true story about my OC Thunder. He can use telekinesis, super speed, electrokinesis, ESP(Sixth Sense), and has the power to shrink at will to fight against evil. But how did Thunder possess all those powers?

This is my first story so I'm sorry in advance if you don't like it because of the short chapters. I also want to give a shout out to Vanilla Beam for inspiring me to start creating stories.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Day Everything Changed

Several years ago, life couldn't have been much worse for Shining Star. Both of her parents had been killed, her brother was in the hospital, and her school grades, once some of the best in the entire country, were spiraling down. But when she tried to end it all, a complete stranger saved her.

Now, Shining Star is a college student in Manehattan. One night, she finds herself on the other side of the fence, when she sees another pony try to jump off the Bronclyn Bridge. Can she help them before it's too late?

* * *

An indirect sequel to my other story, The Day Everything Changed, following up on one of the main characters' adventures.

Chapters (1)

A story about some rather unhappy ponies.

Also a couple of humans.

They'll get along well, I'm sure.

We'll keep a tally of how many die.

Tags will be added as they are needed.

Chapters (1)

While at Ponyville Hospital one day checking up on the sick foals in place of Twilight, Pinkie is asked by one foal if space travel, not done by magic, is possible.

And wanting to make him happy, Pinkie asks Twilight if it is, though according to her, it is a no.

How will Pinkie break the news to him? What could Twilight possibly add in this situation? Is space travel not done by magic in Equestria even possible?

Read on and see.

Chapters (2)

A different choice was made on the Hogwarts Express that day, one that culminated in a series of events that led to a completely disastrous final battle. Harry Potter had finally fulfilled the prophecy that had haunted his life, but at the cost of everyone he ever loved.

Arriving in a new world, bereft of friends, family and his own body, Harry Potter will struggle to once again find a life that is worth living.

Because for the Master of Death, there is no other option.

AN: Hello everyone! This is a little idea I've been cooking in my head for a while and one that I was looking for on different sites before finally deciding to just write one myself. This will most likely have a slower start with the story itself being set six years before the start of the series. Subsequent chapters past the prologue will be focused on this period, though each of the Mane 6 will have their own little roles - one, more so than the others - in particular.

Infrequent updates, though I tend to write longish chapters (usually 8 - 10k), but hopefully I'll be able to keep this going. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy!

Chapters (4)

So this story is going to feature many miniature versions of characters from across the Multiverse. Please be advised this is written for the sake of joking around which is in fact how the main idea for this story has come about. My dear friend Unknown_Griffin and I were passing off jokes to each other when the idea of a beer size Papyrus came about. We were talking about how tall that character is, 6ft 1inch, and I added bet that Twilight would get a real kick by asking him about how a skeleton could move without muscle mass

We kept exchanging certain interviews and aftermaths that could spring from certain characters antics. Thus this was born. There will be continuity {insert Silver Quill} for certain characters returning for another session. So hope you enjoy what follows.

Co-writer: Unknown_Griffin

Chapters (1)

Celestia was the leader of the nation. An ideal model of a calm and kind ruler with her sister. Not every day easy with the pressure of the crown weighing on her head. Amongst dignitaries, court, and assemblies, Celestia herself can be stressed too and after one of her worst days a convenient new spell comes up.

A specialty of Twilight, a simple spell to relax the mind and remove the stress for a clear head. Only dealing a smidge in mind magic, what could go wrong? A famous phrase that many rue on calling upon.

Celestia is catapulted into a world she hardly understands. Where what she knew was wrong and all her senses say it's right, can she figure out what her reality is?

Is her ideal rulership of a magical kingdom the truth she always believed or yet another lie?

Is this new world nothing but a bad side effect of the spell?

Are both there?

Is any of it real?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Dragon War - Blood Sacrifice

This piece's timeline is set before Blood Sacrifice, but was written after. The prospect of more memorial pieces only presented itself after Blood Sacrifice was published.

Midway through the war with the Dragons, everything has been waged on the edges of Equestria. That is about to change. For Equestria to survive, they need to take the fight to the dragons, in their homes in the Dragon Lands. A team of Equestria's best escort pilots have to make the first flight across the sea to the home of the dragons and bomb their target. But it is war, which means blood will be spill.

Herb Bush is the pilot of the Rose's Thorn, an Avenger Escort Fighter. Behind him sits his tail gunner, Daisy, and Radio Operator, Mango. They have fought together since the start, 57 successful missions defending Equestria. Now that defense will test their limits as they make the journey to the Dragon Lands.

This is the second piece in the series and pays homage to Junior Grade Lieutenant George Herbert Walker Bush and his service in the United States Navy during World War Two. His recent passing prompted the idea of expanding the universe to include more stories of the sacrifice pilots made during those troubling times. George H.W. Bush was more than the 41st President of the United States. He risked his life for the freedom of his friends, family, and country. And he did it in one of the most dangerous aviation fields, as a torpedo bomber. More on his story at the end of the piece.

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Chapters (1)