Summary: Day 3 of Fluttercord Week (Theme: Seasons). Discord wonders what is plaguing Fluttershy’s mind as she stares sadly out her cottage window upon the crispy, fall day outside. Sorry for the lack of cover art:( If you’re interested in making a cover art for this story, let me know here on Fimfiction because I would love some cover art for this bad boy^^

Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Power And Seduction

Adagio lost to Sunset without much of a fight. Humiliated, she's out for revenge. She wants to take Sunset and the Rainbooms as well as the former Dazzlings down with her, and she doesn't care what the consequences might be.

Chapters (2)

After saying, "I do," Fluttershy and Discord enjoy the next year as husband and wife and that means living through spring, summer, fall and winter. How do these two lovebirds spend the seasons together? What kind of shenanigans could they possibly get into? Just read to find out.

Day Three of Fluttercord Week (Theme: Seasons)
Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

Divination had always been Twilight's least liked school of magic. Oracles, prophets, and soothsayers always come back with a version of the future wrapped in layers of interpretation. With her ever-present assistant by her side Twilight means to fix this.

Chapters (1)

A newborn open its eyes and sees - uncomprehendingly - the world for the first time. It has to rely on others to protect and nurture it until its ready to go off and face its own challenges. Unfortunately, for this pony, she only has herself; waking up in a forest with no knowledge of her past or indeed the very land which she inhabits, she will have to brave many trials in order to find the answers to her myriad questions.

Chapters (1)

Twilight sparkle just wanted to study, but by being forced to oversee the summer sun celebration, she found her first five friends and saved the world from eternal night. but she wouldn't get to enjoy the celebrations as a final, desperate attack caused the young mare to vanish off the face of Equis.

Ash Ketchum, a 10 year old boy from Pallet town with dreams of becoming a pokemon master, finds an unconscious girl on the side of the road on his way to get his first pokemon. upon waking her up, he invites her to join his journey.

Chapters (1)

Octavia doesn't enjoy the same style of music that Vinyl does, she had fought tooth and hoof at times with the D.J.

But what happens when somepony else crosses the line and suggests it's related to the 'style that shall not be named'.

Please Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Some people do great things because they want to advance the cause of knowledge.

Some people do great things because they want to make the world better.

Some people do great things because they want to turn a profit.

And some people do great things because they are BORED.

Cover art by Liu Ting

Chapters (1)

When a magical malaise falls over Ponyville, stealing the very words from ponies' mouths, it's up to Applejack to save the day!

... so long as she can figure out what the heck everypony's trying to say, first.

Chapters (2)

Cozy Glow has returned to the School of Friendship, and for the first time, she meets Fluttershy’s son, Lightning Twister.

Lightning Twister OC is still owned by GunsNRoses365

Chapters (5)