It is that time of the year again, to go to some boring old festival to celebrate Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Nothing that a fun loving pony would want to participate in. So taking the opportunity to babysit her foal cousin Flurry Heart jumps at it. It sure to just be a simple fun night with no hic-ups, right?

--I am reposting this story since I have hand an editor (thanks @Xowatle for looking over and editing it) go over it... and it could almost be considered a different story now. I will not be in the habit of doing this--

Chapters (2)

"Sweet! I'm a not a dog this time. How about you, Twilight?"

"Woof! Aff, yap, arp, fef, arp, ouf, yap, fff, aff, aff, aff, afff owoowoooof!" (Yet another silly submission for the dialogue contest!)

Image from source with Zoe Trent 'Twilight Chihuahua' from Littlest Pet Shop

Chapters (1)

Membari is one of a thousand war drones, and some of them were left behind when fleeing canterlot.

She realistically doesn't stand a chance, but she was taught to fight till the end.

Chapters (1)

"Wait wait wait! Why am I in the long description as well!? What happened!? What happened when I pressed that button!? I can't tell because the story hasn't started yet! AAAAH! JUST START IT ALREADY!
Oh hey there's Twilight in it? Cool!"

"What is that line supposed to mean?
Hold on, let me check the groups. Ooooh, I see, it's for a contest. Woaw, I like that effect on text. I wish I could do that more when I talk. You know, like, you talk and people can click your words to know more about what you mean. You could even do that in the middle of conversation. That'd be great."

Chapters (1)

An important foreign dignitary has arrived at Canterlot Castle to meet with the Princesses.
Unfortunately, she doesn't speak Equestrian.
Luckily, she has a translator.
A month is long enough to learn a new language, right?

A double entry, for both the the A Thousand Words Contest III (Experimental Category) and the Dialogue only contest.

Special thanks to Grey and Rb for prereading.

Chapters (1)

This is a commission for Tailsic.

Rarity is an up and coming fashion designer with an overprotective mother. Other than that her life seems normal. But that's only because her mother never told her that once upon a time they were both living as Kirin and she was tasked with a mission to kill Rarity, the infant princess of a rival clan, a mission she couldn't bring herself to complete.

Now, living under assumed identities, Cookie Crumbles parents with one eye over her shoulder while her unwittingly adopted daughter lives in comfortable ignorance. Many years after her flight it seems they'd successfully outrun the politics and vengeance of the Kirin until one day when their sordid past comes roaring back.

After both of her parents are hospitalized from a shadowy attack, Rarity must finally confront who she really is and go on a mission to her isolated homeland to try and bring peace to the warring Kirin factions.

Chapters (5)

It's a very cold day in Ponyville and everypony is at home. Except the thin pony, who isn't bothered by it and has a task to do.
A story with a hidden meaning.

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie is suddenly struck with a burning curiosity: If Twilight Sparkle could shoot any one creature with a gun, who would she pick? When she doesn't like how Starlight answers, she decides to make it everyone else's problem.

A submission to the Dialogue Only Contest.
No ponies were (physically) harmed in the production of this fic.

Chapters (1)

After a wild bender with her friends, Sweetie Belle learns the downside of consuming alcohol the hard way.

Fortunately, Rarity is there to help her recover and offer her sister advice.

Both characters are adults as this takes place some time between "The End of the End" and "The Last Problem."

Rated Teen mostly for references to alcohol and mild suggestive humor

My entry for the Dialogue Only Contest:

This is my first story, so I apologize for it being a little rough around the edges.

Shout out to Octavias Melody for pre-reading and adding touch ups.

Update: Featured on Equestria Daily (06/16/24).

Chapters (1)