This story is a sequel to Be Right Back

Seven months.

Then her father would return from his job and take her back to Cloudsdale.

To six year old Scootaloo it certainly seemed like a good deal; the Canterlot Orphanage had great food, warm rooms and lots of kids to play with. Sure, the mysterious director of the orphanage was rather big and funny-looking, but she was nice. And the cloaked ponies who stood guard at the gates every night were rather unnerving, but they did the kids no harm. Besides, Canterlot was a great city full of opportunities.

Sequel to "Be Right Back", and set in the same universe as my wildly popular, epic-length masterpiece Of The Last Millennium.

Chapters (3)

Shine just want to be an ordinary girl where she lives. But until one they she sent to the world of Equestria where she meet new ponies and lives with Twilight Sparkle. /if you want to see the original version of Shine in the world of Equestria I have it on FanFiction.com just look for cartoons then mlp and type in Shine in the world of Equestria/

Chapters (2)

Since her defeat on the day of the Royal Wedding, Queen Chrysalis has plotted and planned her revenge. Using ancient Changeling magic and a very valuable captive, she creates the ultimate weapon; a life-form capable of granting her unbelievable power and allowing her species to continue.

Equestria must prepare, for now the Changelings have a king.

The first in a trilogy that will conclude the continuity of stories that began with 'Dear Sweetie Belle.'

Special thanks to Swirling Line, for her always outstanding cover art.

Chapters (24)

Everyone gets lonely, right? If Pinkie Pie can, she figures Discord must, too. After all, how much fun can a statue possibly have?
And even he deserves some company. Who knows, maybe he'll even appreciate it!

Eventual Discopie, leads to an AU where Pinkie reforms Discord instead of Flutters.
New cover! Finally learning how to work that art tablet!
Raised the rating just in case, and took off comedy tag, since this has funny moments, but isn't a comedy, per se.

Chapters (17)

Techie Hoof just got out of college and was about to leave Manehatten, but he needs money. So he gets a job at "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria". Not knowing about the last 'incident'.

( I just wanted to make this story just cuz. Now I know I'm late for the whole Five Nights at Freddy's craze but just role with me here. Oh and this story is not cannon with any other Techie stories. It still has the same back story it's just that I don't want any confusion for any of my other Techie stories.)

Chapters (3)

So you thought this show was about Twilight Sparkle? Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash? Well, sir/madam, you would be WRONG! Unknown to the Mane 6, there was another group saving the world, even using the Elements of Harmony! This is the unknown story of the Background 6, the unsung heroes.

Chapters (3)

After learning a plan from one of Onagas troops, Twilight, Lunar, Nyx, Dark Nyx, and Tex head to a parallel universe to prevent their universe an the parallel universe from combining. What is worse, is that the mastermind has teamed up with the enemy of the parallel universe, will they succeed, or will the universe fall into havoc?

Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke
This is an unofficial sequel/side story to Past Sins

Special thanks to JusSonic for allowing me to do the crossover with his Nyx series and use his characters.

Chapters (7)

Have you seen the truth of life? Would you care if you had? How far would you go to make the truth known? Octavia is one pony who's seen the truth of the good and the bad parts of life. She uses these truths as inspiration for her next song. This is her performance of the truth.

This story was written for Starlove. (Please don't explode when you read your name on this. You've exploded enough.)

Chapters (1)

After Diamond Tiara shares her first kiss with Rumble, the class becomes obsessed with first kisses. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just can’t see what all the fuss is about.

Chapters (1)


This is the story of a Chilean survivor of the Conversion Bureaus and his group, follow him as he fights for Earth's freedom and struggles with the problems of being a former Brony. Will he give out and fall to the ponies, leaving his group not only leaderless but defenseless against the Pony threat? Or will he lead them to victory, pushing the ponies back to their forsaken Equestria, and recapture Earth for Mankind ensuring our survival? There's only one way to find out.

Random idea that popped up while reading a TCB story they never say what happened to south america other than it was decimated so I'll stand up for all the proud South Americans. Peace Out
And if you came 'cause you thought it was a Human Element crossover sorry to disappoint you just the pic is from there
Cant add more character tags so....
Princess Cadence, Shining Armor and Solar/Lunar Guards/Soldiers

Chapters (1)