
Discord discovers April 1st is Prank Day, and is determined to partake in the annual pony custom. Can Twilight survive the day?
Not related to any other stories I've written, though be sure to check out Fluttershy's Prank Day.
Thanks to ItIsASillyLittleGame for helping improve this story.
The cover art comes from the What About Discord? episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

Chapters (6)

Have you ever thought about what Eqeustria would be like if Twilight was a pegasus instead of a unicorn? What her life would be like and all those around her? Well this odd tale will show you what that world would be like. Her new personality, her new interactions with her friends and what this new life is like for Twilight if she was a pegasus.

Warning- Things may get a bit random

Chapters (1)

After the disappearance of Blitz Surge, Burst and the gang get some much needed rest during spring break. Plenty of time to rest up, and for the girls to have some quality time with their boyfriends.

NOTE: The sex tag is for situations, and descriptions of the girls in the beach chapter.

Burst Stream, Inferno Flare, Steel Edge, Akage Strider, and Tyrannus Thunder are owned by me
Arctic Ace, Dark Ice, Shadow Thunder, Veenus Bloomer, and Night Fang are owned by MLPFan1
Golden Rise, Magnet North and Nightfall Silvers are owned by goldenrise365

Chapters (18)

It all began innocently enough. Mickey asked Donald and Goofy to help him find an anniversary gift for Minnie, and settled upon a gorgeous antique mirror.
Unknown to the unwitting buyers, there is another world just beyond the surface of the glass.
Through the magic mirror, all manner of villains, cutthroats and other evils have found their way in, and begun to wreak havoc to steal all the magic they can from the peaceful kingdom of Equestria.
In dire need of a hero, the source of Harmony in the kingdom sends for help, only for the saviors to be nothing more than a plucky little mouse, a hot-headed duck, and a dim-witted dog.
Will the three be able to save the kingdom of friendship? Only their adventure will tell as they journey through the magical kingdom, and uncover the mystery of the missing magic.

Chapters (69)

Sour Sweet is having a rough weekend. She ran out of her bipolar & anger management medication. She has survived Friday and Saturday without it. Just one more day and she's free of all her anxiety & mental stress. Can Sour Sweet keep her emotions in check for the last day before she can get more medication?

Trigger Warning for Explosive Anger Disorder

Teen for Some Explicit Language

I don't really think the Gore tag applies. But the fic does depict a moment of violent conflict.

Chapters (1)

It's not always that a whiny, attention-seeking and prissy stallion takes the place of Celestia. For starters, he can't even brush his own mane. So if he can't take control of his looks without a maid to help him, that only begs the question. How will he take control of an empire?

He won't, is the answer.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna has made a choice. When it seems that ponies shun her a dream draws her to the east. So she has left. She left behind everything. Her sister, Her title, Her old life. all this in search of a dream that resonates with her. The Moon rises and a new era is on it's way for better or for worse when 1000 years pass things may have changed a lot.

Story arcs
Arc 1: All hail the Midnight Empress
Status: in progress

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Bardic Lore: Stabled Dreams

Azure has gone to Canterlot to file some official forms and has left her ward River under Fluttershy's care for the afternoon, and the filly has some important questions to ask.

Continuity: Bardic Lore

Chapters (1)

It was a just a common, ordinary spell, one that unicorns use every day. All it took was a split second. Now stuck in a place that's in between, Twilight must figure out how to get out... before it's too late.

Written as a prequel to Winston's Collapse Failure. I suggest you check it out :twilightsmile:

Beware ye that enter searching for another Blink sequel. This is not a Blink-verse story. I repeat, NOT related to ocalhoun's Blink. Just saying this because the description will put some people off. I know it will. I know it.

Chapters (1)