Vadim was a Medic on the frontlines of Stalingrad, until his comrade, Yuri goes mad. Yuri killed Vadim, and Vadim has woken to a new land. Will he be able to cope with what he has left behind and become friends with these American like ponies, or will he not be able to live with the ways that the ponies do things?

(This may be a really bad story, I apologize for any mistakes. If you would be kind enough to inform me of them, please tell me. so I may fix them Tags and ponies list may yet not be fully complete, they will be in the future)

Chapters (2)

Mewtwo has been hiding for over a year now, and it's not paying off, so he attempts the political ladder, then succeeds. As a result, he hatches a plot not to just gain more power, but to rule everything. In order to stop him, the entire galaxy must unite to save not just Equestria, but everything we know. There's only one question: can Friendship always save our asses?

Chapters (7)

After his defeat the ghost of war is given a chance at redemption but why in such a peaceful world. Some friends would surely help.

This is a crossover with White Tiger and spoilers.

Chapters (1)

A horribly written story of a being ( not human ) that loses his memory and wakes up colder than normal.

Well here's a go at my imagination.

Chapters (1)

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have been living and ruling over the Crystal Empire for two years and have a daughter,FlurryHeart. Everything seems to be perfect,but what happens when Shining Armor begins thinking about his sister non stop? Watch as the story develops. T rated for now.

Chapters (4)

Spike Drake is a fifteen year old high school student who transferred to Canterlot High School. It is not long until he catches the eyes of almost every female student in the school, especially seven extraordinary girls who all fall for him at the same time. Not only that, but some of the female faculty of the school develop feelings for him as well. The question is will he be able to handle all of the attention that the girls and women at CHS give him or not?

Inspired by both The Girls of My Life and Ladies Man On Campus by Wildcard25.

Chapters (2)

The world is mean and bleak. All that remains is acres upon acres of scorched earth with unimaginable levels of insanity strewn across it. The world is dead, deader than dead. What was harmony is now disharmony, nothing but a pure void of living Tartarus.

A soul that reflects on what the Equestrian nation used to be has one last and final thought of the downfall of civilised society. Where he stood when there was no disaster looming over the governmental powers of Equestria.

Rating:Teen (for themes)

There is some blood in this, but only used lightly, so if you are uncomfortable with visualising blood, reader discretion is advised!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This story isn't intended to be a Fallout: Equestria-related piece of fanfiction, but quite the opposite. It is a piece of work I wanted to try out as a test of how I build a gloomy, sympathetic and empathetic atmosphere in the setting of an apocalypse. Nothing more, nothing less.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes the challenges we face are of our own making and sometimes they step out of the shadows and draw a line to cross.

Follow a pony on a night out at their favorite spot. It was only going to be a night like all the other nights at the club. This pony planned on dancing the night away to some groovy tunes and maybe catch a glimpse of the most famous of DJs but when they have a chance to actually meet their hero; life opens new doorways into adventure.
Come on the pony's adventure of discovering one's self as they fight for their right to party.

In a nutshell, this is a story told in poem form all about a club, a random OC blank flank, and the finding of their special talent as a late bloomer.

I was challenged in a workshop to do this. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

At the Battle of the Bands the Sirens were beaten, bested by the power of seven girls and their friendship. Adagio, her power broken for the first time in her long life, fled from the scene and separated herself from her annoying sisters. After some time she returns to the place of her defeat, where she accesses the portal that should take her home... though instead she ends up in a world that's in the middle of a civil war.

She'll have to rely on whatever skills she has left, and pick up some new ones, in order to survive in this world... especially when dragons, vampires, and who knows what else start attacking innocent people. And maybe, just maybe, she'll redeem herself for all of the acts she committed in her long life.

Chapters (6)

In a Alternate Universe , Spike ends up smashing the Phoenix egg and staying with the dragons, much to Twilight and the other's dismay.

Chapters (3)