Twilight woke up to find something had happened to her reality.

Something had shifted.

But what was the shift, and how did it come to pass?

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis and the last of her loyal changlings have taken refuge in a celestia forsaken corner of the desert . Celestia shows up and offers redemption for all but Chrysalis won't have any of it. So Celestia Summons the power of her sun to convince her of the error of her ways.

At the request of a few readers I added an alt ending thats a bit harsher on Chrysalis

This was justy a short thing I thought up it sounded goot in my head so I typed it out. Sorry this is not edited so any input would be appriciated.

Chapters (2)

Before he returned to his land, Scorpan went to see his brother in Tartarus. Scorpan decides it's time the two had a talk.

Chapters (1)

P&R Volume 1
Rumble is a late teen. Finishing school, going on to better places, yet he would be most thankful for his special somepony he will be spending his future with. Moving out, easy, starting his new ambitions, a piece of cake, being the best brother ever? Yeah, it's alright. But setting up a romantic date with said special somepony? It's amazing how difficult that can be.

The first of a one shot series featuring the adventures of Pip and Rumble.

A huge thanks to my friend TK for the amazing cover image. An ENORMUS thanks to the stunning Alternate Universe for being my editor and making my work somewhat acceptable.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of 'All Bottled Up', Starlight and Trixie think they've got off scot-free. Aha, but they reckoned without the keen observational skills of one Twilight Sparkle, and what followed is now documented here for posterity...

And your enjoyment.

Featured on 16/4/17 to 18/4/17

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, and Tirek. All were once powerful beings bent on taking over Equestria, but they were constantly stopped again and again by six mares, who were the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. All six of them lived in a quaint little town called Ponyville. They lived simple lives, and they enjoyed each others company immensely.

But after the events with Starlight Glimmer, who would become one of the mares new students, one higher up authority now believes each of them would need protection within for the future. The Pony Goddess, the mother of Luna and Celestia, has made a fateful decision.

So after much deliberation, she has taken six humans from another world, one that interested her so much, and a race that had been familiar with war and conflict for millennium, and assigned each of them a former bearer each. Solely for the purpose of matchmaking.

What? Gods get bored sometimes.

And how do these humans take the scenario? well as one of the humans chosen says in his native tongue...

'For Fuck Sake!'

This is not family friendly is you hadn't already guess from the rating

Set after 'Times are Changeling'

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle receives a message from Sunset Shimmer which seems peculiar. As soon as the portal opens again, Twilight is off to the human world only to find it is under a spell by Chrysalis' human counterpart.

What can Twilight and her friends do to stop Chrysalis' plans?

Chapters (1)

It's a wonderful day. It's a beautiful day.
Nobody really cares.

Rated Teen because I typed random words and even I have no idea what the hell I just wrote.

Chapters (1)

The Great and Powerful Trixie continues to try and master teleportation under Starlight Glimmer's tutelage. When she senses her friend is starting to once again get frustrated, she decides it's time for a snack break. What follows is a simple conversation between friends as Trixie reflects on where she's been and where she's heading.


A simple piece of fluff piece inspired by Season 7 Episode 2 "All Bottled Up".

Featured on Equestria Daily on May 27, 2017

Chapters (1)

For five years Chrysalis has spied on the pony solely responsible for her downfall during the Canterlot Invasion. How Twilight has able to see past her? What was her history? And why did Chrysalis find herself so attracted to her? After discovering her feelings for the purple alicorn, Chrysalis attemps to flee Ponyville, only to be captured. Left with no other choice, she is forced to agree to be a part of Equestrian Government.

Chapters (9)