Starlight is stuck between a rock and a hard place, wondering whether love is worth the risk.

After all, she isn't sure if Maud would let her anywhere near Boulder.

Because contests, that's why.

For Jake The Army Guy's Horse Word Extraveganza! :pinkiecrazy:


Also, because this idea I had was just ridiculously amazing to me. Also also, don't take this story as anything I would purposefully write, I literally had to push these words out of the recesses of my mind. Cheers!

Chapters (1)

Being struck by lightning sucks.
Being struck by lightning and transported to a world of technicolored pastel talking ponies really blows.
Especially when you get turned into one of the most powerful Apex predators to grace the silver screen.
I'm talking about the Indominus Rex.
So here I am a giant prehistoric type monster stuck with a bunch of ponies.
And truth be told I'm one of the biggest softies you could ever meet.

Chapters (12)

Dear Princess Celestia,
About that Spike-looking toothbrush. It’s not what it would seem…

Preread by Majin Syeekoh and Tidal

Chapters (1)

Suffering is a bunch of scrambled up descriptive writing that I wrote when I was still in high school. There's barely any character development and no story telling within it, as of this moment. Not even a plot... BUT before you click off I am planning on coming back to polish this up and work towards a plot and an interesting story because that'd be quite nice to build.

For a disclaimer, Suffering is going to include topics like:

Depression and other mental health issues I have.
And more topics.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie is the Element of Laughter, but still doesn't understand that Laughter and Sorrow are two sides of the same coin, you can't have one without the other. She is the happiest mare you will ever meet, but when she finds a stallion she likes as a special somepony, she will soon find this fact the hard way. While she is by nature a very happy mare this stallion is very depressed by nature. Who is he? Why is he so depressed? You shall need to wait and see.

I noticed a rule of no Meta books. This has some Meta content in it and it is meant as a funny ha ha moment, but the only character being meta will only ever be Pinkie Pie. And she is being meta with me, not the site, and not the readers. Isn't that right Pinkie "Yep, sure is author!" see? She is just a big bundle of goofyness with fourth wall breaking capabilities and maybe some meta. just not Deadpool level of meta. "Hey! I resent that." Darn now I've accidentally called in DP. Get out this isn't a crossover DP! "Aww okay see ya Pinkie!" "See ya DP!" The reasoning behind this is because it's Pinkie, come on. I mean she breaks the 4th wall in canon all the time, I'd be surprised if she doesn't ever become meta at least once in the entire series.

Chapters (1)

What's more fun than fighting a monster the size of several buildings mashed together? Talking about your feelings. Fluttershy and Rarity chat about whatever comes to mind from the safety of the sidelines.

Chapters (1)

Fashion Week in Manehatten is coming up and Rarity could not be more excited or nervous. This is her chance to make it big or make a big embarrassment of herself in the big city.

She also can't wait to show her dress around town and perhaps teach it what proper attire looks like. No matter what though, she's determined for it to be her only design that does not bring her attention.

Manehatten isn't all glitz and glamour though. Rarity is going to have to keep her wits about her or she might lose everything.

Luckily, Suri Polomare seems like a friendly competitor.

What's the worst that could happen?

A crossover with Kill La Kill and a sequel to With Strings Attached.

Chapters (2)

A great supernatural threat has forced Celestia and Luna to leave Equestria behind. Now Celestia wanders the universe, encountering its many strange creatures, doing good where she can, and searching for her sister.

This story is a sequel to Celestia and the Great Old One, but it can easily be read on its own.

Chapters (1)

Two years ago, Rainbow Dash stole Lightning Dust's dream from her. While the Element Bearer went on to become a Wonderbolt, Lightning Dust faded into obscurity. She worked what jobs she could find, but, bitter and broken, she spent more of her evenings inside the bar than outside of it. For two years, her dreams of becoming a Wonderbolt were just that: dreams, shattered and empty.

Then one night, Rainbow Dash reentered Lightning's life. The conversation that followed would lead Lightning on a second chance to achieve her dreams. But she never could have imagined what else she'd find along the way.

Editing and Prereading provided by Hap and SolidFire
Cover art by 8BitAmy
Honorable Mention in Jake the Army Guy's Horseword Extravaganza

Chapters (5)

Things may not have had a positive outcome for both of these ponies. But sometimes things happen turn out better then before. A fortunate accident, if you will.

For Jake the Army Guy's Horse Words Extravaganza

The prompt: Obscure Shipping.

Update 1: 7/9/17, redid a few things i didn't find happy about, now that the contest is over. May have a fixed a few things, don't remember honestly.

Chapters (1)