
Fluttershy’s struggle with her crippling shyness seemed to be over, now that she had six best friends whisking her off on adventures on a regular basis. Her therapist had other ideas, such as her making a new pony friend all on her own. Her attempt to fulfill that challenge, by way of introducing herself to the first pony to cross her path, didn’t go at all like she expected.

A season one romance.

Featured by Seattle’s Angels
Featured on Equestria Daily
Third place winner in JakeTheArmyGuy's Horse Words Extravaganza!
Edited by Themaskedferret

Chapters (6)

Wherever Pumpkin Cake is there you will find her brother Pound Cake, and visa versa. So when Pumpkin Cake was discovered by a talent scout to enroll at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, there was only one thing to do. Pound had to hit the books and learn as much about Pegasi magic, Alchemy, and Runeology as he could, in order to apply and get accepted. His test was 6 weeks ago and both twins are expecting his letter any day now. He's hoping that it was worth it, but he was the first pegasi to ever take the tests, and he didn't do to well. He hopes that even if he failed his sister won't throw away this golden opportunity.

Chapters (1)

Original Publish Date: July 21, 2016

A naughty and traitorous pony accidentally unleashes all the captive prisoners from the main complex on Planet Conva. Now Starfleet must work harder than ever before to capture them all back again.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders attempt to help out a hermit pony who swore his life against social functions, while also being on the lookout of an entire village of bad ponies.

Shining Armor and Cadance are struggling to cope with their inability to have more children.

Tree Hugger makes her official revised debut and seeks Buddy Rose as her mate

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Star Falco

What define a hero? Is it bravely? Heroism? Or is it just stupidty? Those thought went through Falco's mind when he flew his Arwing into the enemy ship when he sacrifices himself to save Canterlot. For six weeks, the ponies of Equestria didn't know who save them, all they got was that it was a act of good that save them. Then a new threat arrived and the royal guards is powerless and princess Celestia won't do anything to stop this new threat, the Shadowbolts. Only four pegasus are up for the challengs, they are Star Bolts.

MLP/Star Fox crossover, I don't own anything..

This is a sequel to Star Falco, I suggest you read that before you read this story.

Chapters (4)

"Make some friends!" a wise pony once said. But Celestia did not, or could not, or chose not to foresee the pain and anguish these words would cause. As the years whittle wearily on by, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, curses the lonesome path her life must now take.

Chapters (1)

Twilight knew that there would be times she would find herself in over her head. When Princess Celestia decides that her proximity to a Village Hidden in the Everfree makes her a perfect candidate for participating in the village's introductory tour and citizenship ceremony, the young alicorn finds out just how little she really knows about her own world.

Quick note: I've been having difficulties with my formatting since the update so if it's messed up or anything like that let me know. I'll try to fix it ASAP

Chapters (7)

This is the tale of a Keyblade Wielder from Okoto, he had constructed a means of travel to other universes and all had been as normal until a world cried out. Chaos has been unleashed and now threatens to summon The Darkness to it. This world of Light and Harmony shall gain a new guardian. Will he succeed in his quest and be able to protect this world or will he fail and let Darkness consume it?

Chapters (6)

It is suppose to be the happiest in Equestria, a fourth Princess has arisen. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Everypony is happy except one the Princess herself. This cannot be her destiny, Will anybody help her fight her destiny? Should she fight her destiny?

Disclaimer: Mlp belongs to Lauren Faust but the storyline belongs to me

Chapters (1)

The splitting of a universe into four isn't without its consequences. The Aether, the glue that keeps each universe apart and at the same time close to each other, is slowly vanishing putting in danger the whole multiverse.

Magic itself seems to be the only thing trying to fix this problem but an evil spirit is preventing magic to do its job and is spreading it into others universe creating anomalies in those worlds and making it harder to fix the Aether. Now a group of teenagers has to stop this as well as finding out how Duel Monsters is connected with all these problems.

On Hiatus : I seriously lost my inspiration for this. Sorry. I don't know if I going to continue with this so I will just put it on hiatus.

Chapters (4)

A human invites Twilight to talk about some recent affairs. He even made dinner to talk over. If only the topic at had were just as pleasant.

If the tags need adjusting, let me know. This is the first time I've tried making a oneshot so I'm not sure if I got them right.

Chapters (1)