
How much could Princess Luna love another pony?
How much would she endure to allow her lover to achieve their ambitions?
Even she did not know how much she would fall in love until she was one with the Element of Loyalty herself.

This can be read as a one-shot or continued to its sequel The Setting of the Moon, when the relationship between Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash is pushed to its limits. Caution, this sequel is T rated.

Chapters (1)

Flynn isn't excited the day a mysterious philanthropist donates enough Ponypads for every child at St. Justin’s to have their very own. Unlike many of the other children, Flynn wasn't always an orphan. He knows Celestia—knows her all too well. The question isn't whether he'll be able to save his friends—they're all in a hospice for a reason. But can he save them from themselves?

Written in the world of Friendship is Optimal, in the spirit of so many other stories on that subject. This story was sponsored on my Patreon by Vilken666! Cover by Zutcha, as I'm sure you can tell by now.

Updates Mondays.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Birthday Built For Two

(It is highly recommended you check out Birthday Built For Two and Starlight and Sunburst's Misadventures in Flurry Sitting first. Takes place after "Rock Solid Friendship" for obvious reasons. Proofread on DeviantArt by Smity1038.)

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich have been a couple for some time now, and their long distance relationship has seen its fair share of challenges. But Cheese has finally come back to Ponyville, looking to settle down for a while and take a break from party planning.

Of course, this temporary rest gives Pinkie the perfect opportunity to finally introduce Cheese to her big sister, Maud, now living in Ponyville adjacent.

But Cheese Sandwich has never met Maud before, he's only heard about her from Pinkie's letters and they haven't told him much. And he's very concerned about what she might have to say about him dating her younger sister. What if he can't get Maud's approval?

Chapters (1)

Inspired by the events from "The Crystal Empire Parts 1 & 2"

Before the war between the Kingdom of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, King Sombra sent a plethora of messages and documentations to Princess Celestia. In short, most of them were proclamations for war against Equestria. After a while, a certain princess grew tired of the constant declarations. As a response, she sent only one letter back to King Sombra...

...And this was what she wrote.

Edited by Elkia Deerling & tommal

Chapters (1)

*Ponyfication of a story by Aaron Ruben, from "Sixty Five Today" by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson*

From the Mami/Nina diaries:

My mami just turned 65 years old. I thought I would give her some presents. A nice new hat is not enough, so I have to go take her out to town. I took her to a fancy bar, a screening of an epic movie called Dances with Wolves, and a nice Hoofkaidoan restaurant. Unfortunately, she exacted NONE of the behavior a 65-year-old should exact.

- Miranda

Chapters (2)

The eleventh hour strikes, and ten says goodbye. Of course, no regeneration is complete without a peril of some kind, and thats where we are now.

Sweet little one shot now.

Mostly edited have fun.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Mare With a Dragon Tattoo

This is based on S7E15.

When Dragon Lord Ember visits Crystal Empire she confuses Crystal Castle with food. Why nobody told her anything?

Meanwhile in Poniville what surprises are waiting for Starlight.

Chapters (2)

Thorax decides to stay in Ponyville for a bit longer, to really spend a good amount of time with Spike. They agreed to meet in the map room.

Spike should never had agreed.

Takes place after the events of Triple Threat.

Read by Bringiton6611

Chapters (1)

Live Reading!

Featured 8/21/2017!

During the events of Somepony to Watch Over Me, Applejack acted a little strange. After reading about it in the now published Friendship Journal Pinkie Pie thinks she knows the reason. And being Pinkie Pie, she won't stop until Applejack knows the consequences of ignoring an ability that's in her blood.

Commissioned by Alexwarlorn!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Thanks to SorcerusHorserus for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

A target drone is dangerously wandering in the skies above Equestria and its up to the Wonderbolts to shoot it down.

Chapters (1)