
Alternate ending to Party of One

Pinkie makes sure she is friends with everypony, makes sure she everypony has a smile on their face. Why? Does she need attention? Did something happen to her? Was she unloved as a child? Is she just kind and wonderful and its nothing beyond that?

Chapters (1)

Music is moving, music is life, I'm just kind of dicking around here, so who needs some strife? Roll with the punches and make lemonade, excretera excetera lets see if we clear any hunches. I'll talk to some fools, make way through some schools. Let's Go on an Adventure, at this point I'm writing this to be cool.

...Maybe there's something to that Zebra theory...

Chapters (4)

In Equestria, wrongdoing is generally punished proportionately. Misbehaving foals are scolded or grounded or spanked. Enemies of ponykind are destroyed or turned to stone or imprisoned forever in Tartarus. In neither case is any formal process of law involved.

But filly villain Cozy Glow is a special case that crosses the lines - her fate will be decided in court. The charges are piled up pretty high, too - at least she has a decent lawyer?

Note: Yukito already has a much funnier story by this title, but I honestly couldn't think of a more appropriate one and the system let me post it (perhaps because they have different tags)? So if you'd like to see a comedic take on the subject, check it out, maybe compare (just don't forget I'm a first-time writer).

Chapters (2)

Prince Noctis did everything he could. He went through hell collecting the royal arms, fought freaking gods, watched his fiance die, went to a coma for ten years, fought Ardyn to take back the kingdom, correction, ruins of the kingdom, sacrificing himself and his ascention to free the world from the darkness. He sacrificed everything and, in the end, what did he get? A rewardless death!

Luckily, a certain equestrian goddess thinks this isn't fair.

So now, Noctis, reborn as an earth pony, have another chance to prove himself worthy of ascention in the magical land of Equestria! (NOW FULLY EDITED)

Chapters (10)

Everyone at Canterlot High saw what happened to Sunset Shimmer. She turned into a demon and became trapped in a rainbow vortex. But what about Sunset? What did she see on the other side?

This is a special one-shot that takes place within Not Just Any Old Continuity, but it can be read on its own.

Featured on 1/23/19!!

If after reading this story you want to read through N.J.A.O.C., you can start at Sunset Shimmer's Sick Day.

Click here to see all of my stories!

Chapters (1)

ISAEC Hurin Tascheter, an Exploration Cruiser for the Inter-Stellar Alliance, find a species of magic-using ponies deep in the Equuleus sector. Problem is, their uncompromising enemies, the Ratzis, found them first. How much of a head start do the Ratzis have on the ISA? The fate of Equestria is in their capable hands. Or hooves, or wings, or whatever...

Chapters (16)

Day 5 Of Fluttercord Week (Theme: Pranks). Today was Tirek’s lucky day. And you know why? Because he just received a lovely little “present” from Discord and Fluttershy, that’s why. Sorry for the lack of cover art:( If you’re interested in making a cover art for this story, let me know here on Fimfiction because I would love some cover art for this bad boy^^

Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

This Hearts and Hooves Day is shaping up to be just like last year; Twilight won't come out of the library, and Rainbow Dash can't seem to come in. Sweetie Belle decides it's about time they got together. Together with her coltfriend Spike, the two set out to push the hopeless romantics together before the day is through. Though it might take a little less prompting than they suspect.

(Rated teen for mild sexual references. Just being safe.)

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer, personal student of Princess Luna, was never one for Friendship or much of anything that didn't involve drugs, sex or rock and roll. She was ordered to off to Ponyville to manage the Winter Night Festival, in the hopes that a week of detox would set her back on an upstanding path.

However, not all goes as planned when Luna's sister, the tyrannical despot Daybreaker, escapes her imprisonment within the Sun and returns to destroy Equestria. Accompanied by a motley crew of local ponies, Sunset must work to save Equestria, and maybe even make a few friends along the way.

Edited by: Amorous, Mr Salespony

Inspired by: The Elements of the Crystal Empire, Ghost BC's Absolution

Chapters (9)

Vinyl and Octavia need to hug for eight hours – or the building explodes.

A commission for Dakastan, edited by MrNumbers. Special thanks to him, and to Crystal Wishes for the ornithological help.

Patreon. Ko-fi. Picture of me looking handsome

Chapters (9)