The Equestrian Wasteland is under siege.

The Grand Pegasus Enclave swept down onto the surface like a plague, set on eliminating any who stood in their way. They have the wasteland in their grip, forcing their twisted and tyrannical sense of 'order' onto the ponies of Equestria. And without their heroes, those who rallied to defend their home have been losing the fight.

But now, under the leadership of Gawdyna Grimfeathers, it's time for the resistance to bring the fight to them! And it all starts with Junction R-7...

Other promos and main fic:

Fallout Equestria is by Kkat.

Chapters (1)

Bored, Eric Reed asks Starlight Glimmer to cast a spell to let him use magic once again, and later decides to train him a bit by teaching him more spells. When Trixie stops by, Trixie decides to "test" Eric's new magical abilities with a friendly "magic duel" with her. He proves to be better than she thought, and with Trixie's pride on the line, it becomes a more and more heated duel.

While this isn't a "sequel" to it, this story does take place after the events of my "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" story. Here's the link to it.


Chapters (3)

Eric Reed was thinking about some of the girls back in his old, human world, wishing he could have a girlfriend. A human girlfriend. But before he knew it, Eric found himself having to deal with the affections of his suddenly overfriendly pony friends. Who may or may not take "no" for an answer. He's not into ponies like that, so this becomes really weird for him.

And things will only get weirder.

In the many months he's known them, none of his friends have ever once showed any real hints of a romantic interest in Eric. Why would they start doing it now...?

Like similar short stories I've wrote, and still writing, this story takes place after the events of my "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" story, but this isn't really a sequel to it. You can enjoy this story without needing to read "A Giant Adventure to Equestria, but here's the link to it if you want to read it, and to learn about Eric's backstory.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Beginnings of the Race Swapper

After gaining some odd skills in a short amount of time, Hexan decides to explore the world, meeting new species as he goes, and his new siblings are along for the ride.

Burst: The easily angered one of the group. Channels anger from himself and his surroundings to empower himself.

Prissy: The negotiator of the group. Considered the sister to the five other colts, Prissy is much more feminine than them, but does have her moments that break that way of thinking.

Knockout: The fighter of the group. Is the strongest of the six, he possesses a love of battle, and will always chose it if it is an option. Has large knowledge of some forms of fighting, but is always looking to expand his abilities.

Logic: The strategist of the group. Has a much higher intellect than his siblings, he has a habit of looking at the facts, without considering how others feel towards a decision.

Distrac: The actor of the group. An actor may seem like an odd thing to be with this group, but Distrac makes it work. He makes a point of going all out whenever he acts, whether it is to be in disguise, or to spy on someone, he will do it to the best he can.

Hexan: The voice of the group. As the 'Original', he is the one creatures will often speak to first, and is the unspoken leader of the six. He possesses a need to help others, but doesn't know much about himself yet, maybe the deer can help him learn more about himself.


I would like any readers to know that, if and when I write any action scenes, that I have little experience. So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Chapters (11)

Vael and Sid is just a typical Dark Souls player, one was an average Casuals that just want to play the game while the other was a troll rage-inducing-level type of player that finishes the game at least once or twice. However, the two didn't expect to get thrown into their own (Chosen Undead) character into the worlds of MLP, as if that wasn't bad. Turns out they both were thrown to the bad old days of MLP, which is literally the beginning before Generation Four. Oh and also, it was during the Crystal War.

Isn't that was too generic for a fanfiction...? Well, for Vael case anyway.
(And perhaps a little from the author)

01/28/2019[10:00 UTC+07]: Decide to add Oscar as cover art

Chapters (3)

Twilight learns an untold truth about reality surrounding her, but nobody listens. Try, as Twilight may, she cannot get any of her friends to listen her out! What's more, she gets frustrated with every failed attempt!

Desperate for somepony's attentive ear, Twilight takes a grip on a busy Applejack. Nothing will stop her from telling AJ about her great discovery!.. Applejack, however, may be hiding something even more shocking upon revelation... What? No, she won't tell Twilight, for Twilight behaved naughtily! Bad Twilight, you shouldn't have been distracting AJ from her work! And Twilight is left with no other choice, than to use her newly acquired knowledge...

What comes next is... um-m-m, well, this is insane, isn't it? This is all not real! It's all just an illusion, intended to drive the curious away! But not Twilight! She's determined to discover what Applejack truly hides! So she delves deeper, even as reality itself is falling apart! And...

Well, that was... enlightening... sort of.

Enter Princess Luna, who is... amused, to say the least. Celestia forbid she not die of laughter!

Also: Pinkie. This tale may not come out as expected! EXTREME RANDOMNESS AHOY!

Chapters (3)

Bill Shankly once said that football was more important than life and death. And for Dinky and Derpy Hooves, that quote becomes all too true after Dinky is taken away by Foal Protection Services and moved to - of all places - London. When Twilight Sparkle attempts to intervene, the director sets a condition that seems impossible, and in doing so intertwines the two's fates with the upcoming Premier League season.

A season of away days and European nights awaits Dinky and her new human guardian, and the stakes have been raised through the roof. Can Chelsea Football Club, up against a resurgent Manchester United and the top teams in Europe, pull off a feat only achieved once before by an English club and reunite mother and daughter?

Chapters (50)

In this story you are going to read about everything I think that is great about this two universes and how I think that both could work together since they have certain similarities (characters, adventures), I do love that for example in Soul Eater every adventure is not what it looks like, and how in MLP they can still improve themselves and be better.
Previous knowledge of MLP is needed but the Soul Eater universe will suffer changes and I will explain everything inside.
Also, there will be romance (RariTwi, AppleDash and PinkieShy)

Chapters (9)

Princess Celestia had been a lot in her long life: A mentor, a ruler, a sister and to some even a goddess. But she had also been a warrior and conqueror, someone who has created much pain and sorrow. All that guilt for her past actions and her anger for being unable to correct her mistakes are eating up the princess from inside.

She fears what might happen to her if she succumbs to the regrets she buried nearly a thousand years ago. Those regrets that whisper to her every night and tell her to finally stop caring and holding back. Before going crazy, Celestia decides to come clean to the one person she knows will treat her with kindness. But is it already to late?

Meanwhile princess Luna discovers a terrible threat to not only Equestria, but the whole world. Monsters from thousands of years ago have returned. Creatures so evil and terrifyingly powerful that even the combined might of the Elements and the princesses of the sun and the moon will not be enough to stop them. (Humanized Ponies!)

Chapters (1)

Notice: This is a Stellaris Invicta/MLP: FiM crossover. For more information on Stellaris Invicta by the Templin Institute, visit https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4YabFfWSaelXgXfV6T2ISJ5UN7Nci3qA. Its lore will be essential in understanding a considerable part of this story even though not all of it will be canonical.

After the destruction of the Tyrum homeworld, galactic powers began to turn against the GTU in disgust of its violation of the Homestead Treaty. When embassies were shut down and the Star Concorde began to close trade routes with the GTU in an effort to starve it out, the Union was forced to take drastic measures to ensure its survival.

Follow Admiral Johnson as he and his crew aboard the U.S.S. Archer as they search for the solution to the GTU's intergalactic relations and uncover more than they bargained for. Will the GTU follow a diplomatic or warfaring path? How will human and ponykind see each other? And, most importantly, what is the true history of the universe?

Chapters (9)