Each member of the Rainbooms is going to be having their own adventure.

With Spiderman away from the city, it's down to Twilight Sparkle to fill in. Things may go well at first, but when Canterlot's most wanted return to the streets, things might get more difficult.

So she must use what Spiderman has taught her to protect the city from villains like Juggernaut, Tinkerer and more.

Chapters (9)

There exists a fantastical realm outside of our own ruled by tiny talking horses. They fly, do magic, and sing songs together in their little horse towns. Very exciting stuff.

Anyway, join Anon as he navigates his nine to five with his new pocket-sized wise-cracking intern and roommate.

Chapters (1)

Some one-shots of MLP crack-ships either I came up with, or got inspired by the fandom to create. A lot of these couples haven’t canonically met either. All individual stories, not linked to each other. There are no backstories to how the characters got together either, just scenarios with them already in the relationship/friendship besides some provided context here and there.

Chapters (4)

The Empire is starting to see a little more tourist traffic. The tourists, however, are having trouble seeing anything. When every native surface in the nation offers a choice of 'reflective or refractive?' -- well, it's rather easy to spend their entire vacation stumbling into buildings, usually right next to the door.

Cadance is working on the problem. But she can only treat the walls. The crystal ponies aren't going to cover themselves... unless a certain designer can get them interested in the foreign concept of 'clothing'.

It's a challenge fit for an artist!
Or a madmare.
When you hire Rarity, you usually get both.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

A sinner, having lived a life in a utopian world, now found a way to seemingly beat the nightmares, something that could answer his questions, a means to follow through with his pursuits as a person...

Yet he too must face the facts, he has lied and omitted for so long and for so much in this world, creating a false image of himself to live a life, even if it was a lie. Now he faces the consequences of his actions, and the world he would seek to escape from would try to drag him back down. Seemingly to ask for answers, naïve ones at that.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have had an off-again-on-again relationship for the longest time. After finally admitting their feelings for each other to their closest friends, it’s now time to have a serious talk with each other’s family. After seeking out a certain blessing from both families, the two mares underestimate what their closest friends can and will do for them.

Disclaimer: set sometime after the flashback scenes of “The Last Problem” but well before the future scenes of the same episode. No relation to my previous story, “AppleScoots!?!” Supports AppleDash being show canon, no duh. Rated Teen for romance, implied sexual encounters, and mild alcohol use.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash hates losing. Yet no matter how hard she tries, Pinkie Pie always manages to somehow one-up her when it comes to pranks...

...until one day, when she finally manages to prank more ponies than Pinkie. Her latest prank, however, does not turn out the way she expected...

Rated Teen for moderate sexual content

Now with a dramatic reading, courtesy of the amazing Skijarama

Chapters (1)

Spitfire has watched AppleLauda for several races and has seen enough of AppleLauda destroying the entire grid. Now she wants to see if AppleLauda can keep up with the Wonderbolts. But AppleLauda has a little gift for the Wonderbolts. A gift Spitfire doesn't like at all

Chapters (2)

Ever since foalhood, Zipp and Pipp have had a ritual: when Pipp comes down with a routine head cold, her sister looks after her, and they spend time together watching soaps or cartoons on the nearest comfy couch.

What happens, then, when Zipp begins to distance herself from her family in the pursuit of flight?

Featured 5/18/2022—5/21/2022!

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudios!
Part 1 & Part 2

* Edited by Double R Forrest
* Cover art by Doodle-Mark

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Friendship Among Games

The months have passed since the Anon-a-Miss incident, and with the summer arrival, Sunset Shimmer and her friends from Crystal Prep are ready for a new adventure.
Camp Everfree awaits them.


This story has been edited by my good friend 'Arthor2017'

Chapters (9)