This story is a sequel to Theory of nothing

Twilight and Luna are stuck in a strange place after their failed attemp to rescue Trixie. Now both are trying to head home while confronting insane beings and their insane, chaotic and vengefull plan in a place where logic does not exist.
Meanwhile Celestia has to handle an escalating situation on her own with the remaining mane six.

This is a sequel to theory of nothing

Chapters (10)

Peach Fuzz and Snowflake Shine wake up as Ponies! in Equestria!

Chapters (4)

A magical gem created by a great evil being it has the power of all papercrafts in existence and ends up in Equestria where Rarity ends up having and turning into an evil queen hell-bent on turning all Equestria and Worlds Beyond into paper crafted masterpieces however Mario and friends are there to help stop this madness and the ones who are behind this

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Hearth's Warming Gift

Thorax is invited by Princess Twilight Sparkle to spend a week in Ponyville. While he is there, he'll be given a few surprises, including the fact he'll be introduced to the whole town - as his undisguised changeling self!

Chapters (13)

Cover image belongs to https://www.deviantart.com/sohmasatori, they make a lot of beautiful art so please check them out!

Starlight Glimmer is struggling to fit into Ponyville since most of the citizens are afraid of her due to her past. It takes an accidental meeting with Thunderlane to really turn her life around. But can it really be that easy?

Sex tag is for innuendo and implications, no actual intercourse occurs

This story was written for the May Pairings Contest 2022 but was also a nice opportunity to try something new.

Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (3)

Twilight's student interrupts her court with a nagging question. "Where do ponies go when they die?"  Every pony knows the answer, but is it right, and why hasn't she thought about it before?

Chapters (1)

Trixie gets her friend and frenemy stuck with her in a miniature avant-garde poem containing very few available letters. :trixieshiftleft:

Content Note: (1) A profane word starting with an "F" and a "U" used a few times although the only letters available to our protagonists do not include "K" or "C". (2) A profane word referring to excrement although only the final two letters are available to use. :pinkiegasp: (3) A profane word in a "foreign" language. (4) Trixie makes a Freudian slip or an intentional allusion.... It's easily missed though, which is either a good thing for those with taste and decency, or it's the nucleus of a fun scavenger hunt.

Featured on 2022/05/19!
Winner of one of two Bronze Medal Awards in the "A Thousand Words" Contest's Experimental category

Trixie is Terrible Rating: She didn't want it to happen, but she's not helping make things better (3 :trixieshiftright: Out of 10).

Experimental Entry in the Thousand Words Contest.
- It is so experimental that the word counter on the description page disagreed with the word counter on the editor page(!) [The editor shows it as 1010 words. The site description shows as 1000 words].

Image: All mine, although the words are a parodic reference to this link, which itself is a bit of a philosophical parody... and the image probably contains some other cultural references. :pinkiecrazy: For those who want to be spoiled: SPOILER The image indicates that the story is about more than the story. It's about Friendship and Language. But the primary intent is for the story to be enjoyable on an obvious level as an amusing romp.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Hobo: The 'Generous' Fashionista

Adventure and praise. That's all that Rainbow has ever dreamed about, and when it took her away from her friends, she didn't even bat an eye. The latest mission takes an interesting turn when an old friend stumbles out of a box...how did she get in there?

A tale of loneliness and forgiveness.

Note: It's a mystery people, not every question needs to be answered. If you are one of those types that need to know everything, I'll explain everything under a spoiler thing.

Chapters (1)

Sweet Sauce was once a Stallion of renown and stature, a pony others respected and admired. Unfortunately for him, all that success eventually turned to pride, and ended with a sentence of banishment from Equestria.

There was no term to his sentence--but Sweet Sauce was not the kind of pony to surrender. He had centuries to reflect, to reconsider, and to gather power for his triumphant return. But perhaps he should've spent a little more time.

His incredible spell worked, returning him to the world of his birth. But instead of his own powerful body, he's now a small, useless earth pony, in a world that has forgotten he ever existed. Sweet is determined to make up for his mistakes, and to prove to the princesses of Equestria that he is a changed pony.

Too bad he looks like a homeless little colt without a cutie mark.

Updates Thursdays until complete. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail. Coverart by Solder Point.

This story was written as a Patreon reward for Boopy Doopy.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Enforcing Change

We know what happened to Sunstone but what as her life like.

When I had initially written Sunstone I had thought nothing of it but as I was finishing Enforcing Change I realized I wanted to write more about her.

So I decided to write a side story.

Chapters (15)