This story is a sequel to I Choose You

Sequel story to the Make Your Mark episode “Father of the Bridlewood” and the Tell Your Tale episode “A Swing and a Misty.”

It’s Sire’s Day, and Misty has the perfect gift in mind for her father Alphabittle: a complete do-over of their prior day out in order to make up for lost time! After all, the unicorns in Bridlewood always say that second time’s the charm, and she’s determined to make sure things go perfectly this time. In order to pull this off, she enlists the help of her friend Zipp Storm to devise a series of mysteries for them to complete throughout the day, all culminating in one grand reward. The only problem? Her friends can’t seem to agree on what sort of activities the duo should participate in, let alone the prize. With only 8 hours on the clock, will Zipp and the gang get their act together and pull off the best day ever? Or is a precious day with family destined to be ruined due to pointless squabbles? And why does the day going perfectly mean so much to Misty…?

A/N: Episode 7 of the G5 Supplementary Universe. Featured on Fimfiction’s List of Stories On The Homepage: June 16, 2024!


Chapters (3)

It’s Father’s Day all over Equestria, and all of the dads are having a great time, except Hitch. Luckily, Sparky teams up with Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp and Misty to surprise him.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Dreamful Mother's Day.

After the Mother's Day shared dream went so well, Luna decided to do another one for Father's Day.
Happy young fillies well cared for and loved.

Contains: age regression(in diapers), shared dream. (Probably still have to mark It as Teen though cause of moderators.)
SuperPinkBrony12 helped write a lot of it lol
Cover art is EvilFrezy

Chapters (1)

Rarity expects a boring, lonely day as she finally accepts defeat from a bad cold. But an unexpected pony teaches her that just because she’s lived alone for a bit now doesn’t mean she has to be lonely.

Chapters (1)

Every Father's Day in Maretime Bay, Sunny Starscout has a tradition that she likes to do. She sits down and all by herself she writes a letter: A letter to her father, Argyle.

This year, Sunny has lots of new developments to share with him. And it doesn't matter to her that he'll never be able to reply to any letters she sends.

(Spoilers!:Other tag is for a brief appearance by Zipp.)

Chapters (1)

When Apple Bloom, now 16 years old, discovers that her coltfriend is cheating on her, she turns to Applejack for some sisterly support.

Chapters (1)

Script had just gone through a breakup with Ember Flame. This was her third breakup with a partner and she feels like she'll never be able to find the one she loves. That is, until a special someone helps her overcome her fear of getting heartbroken again.

Chapters (1)

We all know what Discord showed Rainbow Dash to make her leave her friends, but was that really enough?

What did he actually show her?

Written for the Dialogue Only Contest and the Thousand Word Contest III under Drama

Chapters (1)

Luna makes her way to her sister's cambers while fighting off creatures from the deepest depths of Taurturs, just to know what went so wrong in just two hours.

Thanks to sambel who offered to edit this story: Samble
My mediocre submission for the funny bunny :moustache:. 1000 words only contest

Chapters (1)

After Nightmare Night is cut short by a storm, the Cutie Mark Crusaders return to Scootaloo's house, where they discover that wearing a three-pony costume in a power-out is a very, very bad idea.

An entry for the Dialogue Only Contest, with the personal challenge of making a slapstick-heavy fic in spite of the primary restriction.

Edited by: Nebbie
Cover art by: Me

Chapters (1)