
This is a short story detailing the final moments of Equestria and its inhabitants before they were consumed by balefire. Although having never met, a teacher, a few factory workers, a stubborn scientist, a desperate mother and a lone operative will all share the same fate; a fate sealed by a big red button pressed in a far away land.

This story is a part of the Fallout: Equestria - Decadence universe.

Chapters (5)

( This is a story set post Princess twilight, but before the elements are lost.)
Equestria Is facing an enemy like no other, violent monsters are appearing across the entire kingdom. The Equestrian guards are overwhelmed and unprepared to face such a threat, They need help. To fight this evil, The princesses will summon three beings from where these monsters are from to help them.

Through struggles both personal and external, will this be enough to save Equestria from the horrors of war? Equestria and its heroes will need to change, because as everyone knows, War never changes.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestia – Unscrewed Audio Files

By now you have likely heard my sister’s tragic story. Mr. DJ Pon-3 elected to call it "Unscrewed Audio Files". I am the Shoeshine from those logs, though as a Canterlot Ghoul I prefer Brittleshine. Pinkie Pie predicted I would meet my sister again, I have hope that it will come true. I have invited Screwy's fiancé, Dr. Stable Rate...who also became a ghoul...and my good friend, and a Hellhound named Grrrar along for the search. We are also joined by a lecherous, Moonskull, Sargent named Dancing Doll. We will document our adventure like Screwloose did, in a series of audio logs that I will send to DJ Pon3 to play over the radio. We will find my sister.

This fic is canon with the events of Unscrewed and reading that fic is nessisary to get the context of this one, but can still be enjoyed if the first fic is not read.

This story is also canon toGamma Deekay’s andDigital Ink (AKA Sawyer)’s series of connected fics, but only in that it shares the same shared universe.

Also it does reference EAST Corp Productions' various audio dramas, but without their permission so anything I do in the fic is not canon with their works.

The fics that are the sequels are out: Hold the Pineapple and Find Your Spark

Chapters (25)

No friends, no cutie mark, no future. The life of Muddy Waters could be measured in teaspoons, but who's to say a lone scavenger pony couldn't live more than one life? After a chance find underneath the Centennial River Wetlands, Muddy Waters will discover an ancient treasure so valuable that the only one she can trust with such a treasure is herself. But who's to say the treasure is the most valuable thing to gain? As the saying goes, the real treasure is the sisters we made along the way.
Now that the winds of change roll over a dead Equestria, safe harbors are few and far between. How long can a single scavenger hold on to what's rightfully hers? More importantly, how long can she hang on to herself?

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree

This story is an offshoot from the Fallout Equestria: Dead Tree story written by Tread Lightly otherwise known as Fiaura based on a pen and paper group we play in set in the Fallout: Equestia universe.

Chifundo a slightly effeminate Zebra Stallion Shaman, along with his companions ran headlong through the irradiated rain looking for shelter which thankfully they found in time to save the sicker members of the group, though for Chiffundo, he would also discover somepony to take his breath away.

(Note this is based upon the Fallout: Equestria PnP being published by Dead Tree Studios, check it out here:http://projectdeadtree.com/site/

To warn readers, there will be inconsistency in posting pace as it will depend on when Chifundo gets to spend time with Picline in the pnp sessions

Chapters (4)

Applebuck always hated change. He hated it when his former colleague and BFF, Brandybuck, was repositioned to a different job, he hated it when his mother died, and he hated it when Velvet Remedy's music went silent on a very memorable day in Stable Two.

Alas, life is like a river: always changing. And Applebuck struggles to find happiness in the aftermath of the Steel Ranger's ruthless attack on his soon-to-be former home.

With his trademark stetson hat and a determined mind set, surely he can find his way?

(Please note that I have never written a full length story before, and that this story is partly me wanting to share my FoE concept, but also me practicing my writing and story building skills. If you came looking for a literary master piece, I'm afraid you're just gonna have to settle for my silly little pony-fic. Maybe you'll like it. maybe you won't. you'll just have to give it a chance, eh? That said, I'll put my heart and soul into this story because that's what I think it deserves damnit! Please enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!)

Chapters (10)

It is the year 2090, 13 years after the Great War ravaged the majority of Equestria, as well as most of the known world. Life is tough, and it will be a long while before things get better.

Drastic measures must be taken to ensure survival; but how far is too far? For some of the newly formed communities, this question must be asked time and time again... And going too far could result in disaster.


"It is when Oppression becomes a fact, that Revolution becomes a duty." This statement was made by those freed from tyranny for decades, until they were finally extinguished in the fires of Megaspell warfare. What everypony knows in the back of their heads however, is that tyranny never dies.

And for the crew of the Cirrostratus, A Thunderhead class vessel, this unfortunate truth has become their reality. A nascent Enclave has treated their sailors poorly for far too long, and have forced their mariners to work under inequine conditions and constraints for over a decade now.

With three thousand souls on board vying for freedom and a decent life, it presents a harsh reality. When not just survival, but their hopes and dreams, are put on the line, everypony has a choice to make. This is the story of those ponies, and the choices that circumstance forced them to make.

Special thanks to Quindiesel and Duskhoof for editing and proofreading!

I now have a discord! Join me over at the Salt Shaker!

Chapters (3)

Almanac is the professor of history in the city of Thunder head. You are a wasteland scholar studying the history of wasteland settlements. This is what you learn.

Commission from Chrome Flyer

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Wasteland is under siege.

The Grand Pegasus Enclave swept down onto the surface like a plague, set on eliminating any who stood in their way. They have the wasteland in their grip, forcing their twisted and tyrannical sense of 'order' onto the ponies of Equestria. And without their heroes, those who rallied to defend their home have been losing the fight.

But now, under the leadership of Gawdyna Grimfeathers, it's time for the resistance to bring the fight to them! And it all starts with Junction R-7...

Other promos and main fic:

Fallout Equestria is by Kkat.

Chapters (1)

Much like several other unlucky ponies, Princess Luna bought fallout 76 in the hopes that it would be a decent game. Much to her disappointment, it was a broken unplayable mess. She must now try and get a refund, but that is not as easy as it may seam.

Chapters (1)