From first love to disapproving parents, from school dances to discovering the difficulties of living together, Cloudchaser and Flitter embark on a journey together that will last them a lifetime.

Chapters (3)

When the Wonderbolts Academy holds a party for the trainees, Rainbow is excited to go! But when she also finds out Soarin' is going, she brings out her A game.

That is...until something goes wrong of course!

Chapters (1)

Twilight and friends were late to leave the land of the breezies, and are sealed inside when the portal closes. An old journal kept in Seabreeze's family for generations might provide the answer to this problem; another pony, a long time ago, found a way into the Breezie Kingdom.

Created for the Equestria Daily Writer's Training Grounds #010: "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies"

This story is an alternative ending to the episode It Ain't Easy Being Breezies.

Feel free to point any flaws; it's why I'm taking part in the Writer's Training Grounds, after all.

Chapters (5)

A soldier from the frontlines of the Equestrian Civil War returns home, out of place and out of touch with the world that he once called home and struggles to fit in. Little does he know his past will be coming back to haunt him.

Chapters (12)

There's no better feeling than spending the day with the pony you love.

Incest is Wincest SliceOfLifeTember contest entry.

Chapters (2)

(Taken place prior to "Wonderbolts Academy")

Skyball is the most popular aerial sport in Equestria and well known around the world. The princesses decide to hold an open tournament, the winning team gets 1,000,000 bits in prize money and a chance to face off against the Wonderbolts themselves in a final game.
Seeing her chance at stardom, Rainbow Dash assembles an unlikely team to play in tournament. Can the Ponyville Pegasi rise to the occasion, or will they be grounded by the competition?

Image source: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=little+wonderbolt#/d48savw

Chapters (5)

(This story will no longer be updated. I may return to these characters in the future, but it will be in individual stories, not in the same format as this.)

(Art created using these fine fellows vectors) http://liggliluff.deviantart.com/ http://hawk9mm.deviantart.com/ http://intbrony.deviantart.com/
An alternate universe where due to a mishap twilight doesn't befriend the regular mane 6 but instead a different group altogether. How will events occur differently without the best ponies? Can twilight still save the day with an even more misfit group? Lets find out shall we.

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to A Moment On the Lips

Thunderlane and Cloudchaser have an evening of romance and possible intimate pleasantry planned for the night. However, a certain mare is back in town, and she intends to change their plans in big ways.

Contains: fat ponies, extreme obesity/immobility, fat inflation.

Major props to H123G for giving me this idea!

Chapters (2)

All he wanted was to buy the last copy of Summer Wars, that was literally it and what does he have to show for it? Absolutely nothing since he bought it, and had ended up entering Equestria as one of the most ferocious villains of said movie. But hey at least there's one pony who is willing to be his friend right?

Join Ethan/Love-Machine and his weird friends on the funny, exciting, adventures they'll all have together or at least that's what they're all hoping, but knowing Ethan's luck it isn't going to end well for him. He has only one thing to ask?

"Why Me?"

(Featured- 4/20/17 - 4/21/17)

Chapters (2)

In an alternate world where Starlight Glimmer is High Chancellor of Equestria, six public enemies interrupt a state-mandated live television broadcast to teach Equestria a lesson in individuality.

Chapters (1)