
This story is a sequel to Memory Pending

The story of Moon Mender continues after his dream of an ending ceases. He continues his struggle to belong in a world so far divorced from the only other experience he can remember, but as an outsider of truly alien mindset, will he ever be able to find a place in Equestria? More importantly, will the life he left behind give up on its death grip so easily? The most important thing to remember is that things are rarely as they seem and sometimes, some things are better off forgotten.

This story is a direct sequel to Memory Pending. Without having read that, this story might be a little strange to most, which is frightening considering how strange it is already. It can be read as a standalone story of course, but you won't get the most out of it.

Further, I’m fully aware that not everypony enjoys more mature themes, so any scenes containing things of an M rated nature shall only be released in a separate story when the time comes. This story deals with more mature themes on a whole, as a warning. This version will do its best to censor the really sensual or graphic content out, of course.

Last but not least, this story has reached this final format through combined efforts of not just myself, but many a helpful pony along the way! Here’s an abbreviated list of those involved and the rolls they played:
Kiroberos – Author (Obviously)
Julia – Editor (Corrections, Grammar, and Flow)
Azu – Beta Reader (Corrections, Flow) (Until Chapter 35)
ExplosiveBrohoof – Beta Reader (Grammar) (Until Chapter 22)
Muffinking – Beta Reader (Corrections, Grammar) (Until Chapter 22)
All of my readers for being amazing, supportive, and best of all, enjoying the world we read and write about.

Chapters (104)

To the highly skilled operative code-named Naked Snake, today was not that good of a day. On top of being sent to kill his former mentor in order to prevent the Cold War from going nuclear, he had gotten captured, and lost his eye. While he did manage to escape, there was still much he had to do in order to complete his mission.
Still, even being tortured by someone with inexplicable lightning powers was somewhat preferable to finding himself outside of not only the mission area, but his world as he knew it...

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Midnight's Shadow: Succession Crisis

Midnight Sparkle is a rising star amongst the magi. She has proven herself time and again against threats as warlocks, hags, werewolves, and fey, but her recent successes yet leave her ambitions wanting.

An opportunity presents itself when the Archmagus of Eastmarch announces his retirement. The conclave to determine his successor—what should be a mundane thing—reveals a most tainted legacy as long-forgotten foes push Midnight to her very limits.

Chapters (17)

When Scootaloo wonders why Rainbow Dash seems to be avoiding her, Dash decides to tell a story from her youth, about friendship gained, and friendship changed, in order to explain why seeing Scootaloo has been making her sad.

Chapters (1)

This story is on indefinite hiatus. I've grown out of MLP and this story. What's there is yours to read, however updates may never happen, as much as it pains me to admit.

A young stallion, alone for the first time in his life, finds himself a long way from home in the Ponave, a vast wasteland filled with danger where small pockets of civilization attempt to survive while factions war over territory and power. This is the story of Clover as he attempts to make sense of his brother’s murder while exacting a personal justice over the one responsible…

Chapters (16)

Twilight wakes up alone and scared on an unfamiliar ship with a group of unfamiliar humanoids. Things take a turn for the worst when the group find themselves trapped on a ship overrun with mutated damntations that will stop at nothing to kill the humans and the out of place pony.

Teaming up with fellow survivor Isaac Clarke, Twilight attempts to escape the abominations and find her way back home. But can she really trust Isaac's sanity?

(This is the reboot of I have a Jar of Dirt's popular story. For those of you who dont know, he passed it on to me to complete; which i was more than glad to accept.)

((proofread by Zaponator and Flutterguy_6996))

Chapters (7)

In another world, Answer Jim was just Jim: the janitor for a school in Salt Lake City's suburbs. In the current one, he ekes out a living collecting scrap and food, barely holding back the gray that eats the world and everything in it. Even souls.

But he finds a precious treasure in a box. A brown box in a world of gray. Inside that box is color, and life, and a warm summer breeze. Inside, is a filly who calls herself Celestia.

She's more than she seems.

Cover Art by the talented Silfoe - used with permission.

Edited by Minds Eye
Prereading by: Carapace, ThatOneWriter

MMDG Finalist

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Blueblood Papers: Royal Blood

The Heartlands Campaign has begun. As Equestria launches an all-out offensive to finally end the war in the Badlands, Commissar Prince Blueblood is captured by the enemy. Believing he has avoided the carnage, he awaits the end of the war in the safety of a Changeling prison camp. If only his fellow prisoners would stop trying to help him escape.

Soon, he finds himself drawn into a plot that could spell defeat for Equestria.

Proofread and edited by Setokaiva

Cover art by jamescorck

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Still Undead, Still Don't Care

The final chapter of the less than epic zombie saga!

After months of research and setting Prince Blue Blood on fire, a cure has finally been developed for the zombie plague! At last, Equestria can return to a land where half the population isn't somewhat dead.

If only anypony gave a buck.

Cover Art by Midnight-Wizard

Chapters (1)

Lexarius the steward, the alicorn sent by the Herd to aid those oppressed by the Everlasting Kingdom and their own tainted heritage, seeks to help those he considers his new kin. The first step, however, proves difficult as he must preside over a meeting that reveals old hatreds that may well destroy his path before he could even take it.

Chapters (1)