
A mission ends with Fluttershy being revealed as a changeling. The Mane 6 pause on the walk back home to discuss this development.

Featured on Nov. 14 2019. :yay:

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie writes a cookbook and she has Twilight help her test it out. The problem is, her recipes aren't exactly... conventional. (No, "Pony" is not the secret ingredient.)

Chapters (1)

Discord wishes to share the work of his favorite human writer with his new friends. Although, what fun would there be in simply handing over the books? Oh no, he has some more entertaining ideas in mind.
The games will be fun;
he made sure of that.
But can they all handle
the Drak in the Hat?

*Written because I lost a bet*

Chapters (4)

When Twilight told the Princess that one of her long-time friends was actually a changeling drone, she expected shock, she expected questions, requests for proof.

She did not expect "Yes, I know. Was that all?"

Now with a dramatic reading by Alicentaur Br0ny!

...and another one by Voiceguy!

And a most impressively produced reading by obabscribbler!

(If you're just going to listen to one of them, pick the third one).


Translated into Chinese (by Chelicera) can be found on FimTale.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia as been challanged to a showdown by her former student, now princess, Twilight Sparkle.

Army's have risen, plans set in motion. In the end it will all come down to which princess is the better strategist with the fate of Equestria hanging in the balance.

Now with a Dramatic Reading.

Chapters (1)

Improbably often, ponies arrive on Earth in a fairly private place, with one or two witnesses at most. This time, they came out in the middle of a crowded McDonald's.

I had a toothache and got it into my head to try to write a trollfic. Turns out I don't have the mindset to write a proper trollfic. I got this instead.

Chapters (1)

Where did griffons come from? Here is the tale passed down from hen to chick since the earliest days of the world, when Mother Hen hatched us all.

(FYI, Fimfic doesn't have suitable tags for creation stories, so the tags don't exactly represent the story.)

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, there was a pony named Fan Service. She had an amazing life -- money, fame, good looks, but she realized it was missing something: character depth. And so she set out to seek the one thing that would make her life complete.

Written in four hours during a speed writing exercise. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

A secret unknown to any hornless pony, unicorn horns are made of candy. Pinkie Pie found out, and now she wants to try every flavor!

Warning: contains awkward moments and far too much non-consensual horn licking. Proceed at the risk of your horn and your dignity.

Available in Chinese, courtesy of Hell Organist.
Available in Russian, courtesy of boatOV.
Audio Reading by CaptainBron3y.
Second Audio Reading by Kanjigirl.
Featured on Equestria Daily.

Based on this story:
Pegasus Wings Are Made Of Ice Cream
The Taste Of Madness
Lyra's Candy Shoppe
Candy Is Made Of Unicorn Horns
How Many Licks?
To Prevent Horn Decay
Unicorn Horns Are Made of Heroin
Over His Dead Body
A Luscious Loophole
Dr. Doofenshirtz's Sweet Revenge
That Thing We Do
Unicorn Horns are...
Unicorn Horns Are Loaded With Calories
Charlie The Unicorn's Horn Is Made Of Candy

Chapters (1)