
It's Starlight Glimmer's first birthday after her reformation, and she's made a party that could rival one of Pinkie's parties! But it becomes very clear to both her and Anon that things are going to go much differently than what was planned.
Prompt was started on /mlp/, just decided to run with it and write a wholesome fic.

Chapters (1)

You've always admired Princess Twilight's newest student... from a distance. Just about every little thing she did made you smile, if only on the inside.

But, one evening, during one of your calming walks: you discover her alone in the forest, beside your favourite lake.

And... is she... crying?

Now with an amazing YouTube Reading by Sparrow 9264.

Chapters (2)

One night, whilst up late reading quietly to himself, Anon is disturbed by a mysterious home intruder scratching at his door. Anon does the unconventional and simply lets them into his house and becomes quite possibly the first person to ever sit down and make polite conversation with an actual ghost. A rather cute and flustered ghost at that.

Originally written for the Kinderquestria thread, where the cute, childlike innocence of ponies is taken to its absolute comedic extent.

Chapters (1)

~~~ FEATURED ON 3/14/22 ~~~

A year ago, you got up from your couch to grab a drink, and vanished. At least, that's what you assume people back home think. As it turns out, a one in a trillion cosmic mishap landed you face-down in a land full of magical talking horses and friendship.

You've settled in to this new world as best you can, but what are you supposed to do when familiar feelings begin bubbling toward your best friend, who happens to be one of said talking horses? Join her on a road trip, of course!

Oh, and maybe share your feelings along the way.

CONTENTS: Anon, Romance, Feels, Kissing, General Sappiness, and An Adorkable Alicorn.

Chapters (6)

There comes a time in every earth pony mare's life, when they just feel like digging a hole and sitting in it. Anon doesn't really get it, but decides to keep Pinkie Pie company during this trying time.

{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Celestia and Anon, having freshly started dating, spend the morning of Hearth’s Warming together. Cel arrives a little earlier than Anon expects her to, but luckily, she is nothing if not accommodating.

The first of my greentexts to be (amateurishly) translated into prose format.
Originally found here: https://ponepaste.org/9685
Cover image credits to boxu

Chapters (1)

All you want to do, more than anything in the world, is to curl up with a pony and cuddle. One lucky night, it looks like you might just be able to.

Absolutely useless fluff. Very short. No plot.

Coverart featuring artwork by: YukkuriPaleHorse

Chapters (1)

Twilight takes Anon on a tour of Ponyville shortly after he arrives in Equestria. While showing him around, she forgets to mention other species. When she introduces him to her number one assistant, Anon naturally assumes Spike is a pony. A scaly, disfigured, diseased pony. Naturally.

Chapters (1)

Being the Royal Advisor for Celestia and Luna, you've come up with solutions for many of the nation's problems.

Unfortunately you said a naughty word in front of a guard. Seeing as how these ponies are extremely sensitive, you lie your way out of it.

The events that follow could only be described as "completely stupid".

Rated Teen for naughty words being said.

Thanks to Zephyr for editing.

Featured within 1 hour and 30 minutes on Aug 12, 2015. Thank you guys so much!

Good thing I was reading this on the toilet, because this story made me lose my shit. -LeoneHaxor

Chapters (1)

Anon decides it's time to test out a theory of his. If the ponies can go around naked all day, then why can't he?

I mean, what's the worst that could happen, right?

Chapters (1)