After taking over as the ruler of Equestria, Twilight sought out a powerful artifact said to hold infinite wisdom. Now, every night she falls asleep with the faintest knowledge of what tomorrow holds.

First place story for the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting group contest #32 "The Beautiful Future" with the prompt "Letting Go."

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle wasn't a pony who adapted to change easily. Was that the reason that, now that her home had been destroyed, she was having trouble sleeping? Was it the hard, unfamiliar bed? The harsh shadows of the castle walls?
Or was it something deeper? Something darker?
As she wanders through the moonlit streets of Ponyville, Twilight is paid a visit by another troubled soul. Perhaps together they can find some solace in the aftermath.

Art commissioned by the lovely and talented Northern Cross. Find more of her work here.
Editing service provided by Imperial Bedlam, to whom I am eternally grateful.
Special thanks to Jack and Lynn Keefe for prereading.

Ta-dah! No more shipping! Should never have included it in the first place, to be honest.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's lack of inspiration or progress for a Hearth's Warming play prompts her to believe that she has the most stressful life in the world—on a train ride to gather her thoughts, though, everything is shown from a more realistic perspective. And it isn't the ride, but the stories, that she will remember most.

Featured on Equestria Daily January 27th, 2014
Reading by Dr. Renegade!

Chapters (1)

Unable to sleep after the events of her brother's wedding, Twilight Sparkle is walking in the woods and finds an injured changeling.

Cover art by Astringe on Deviantart. Check his gallery here.

Chapters (1)

Just for fun, Spike and Twilight try to write a Power Ponies fanfiction. Simple and easy fun, right?


There are a few things about the fanfiction world Twilight needs to learn if she wants ponies to like her story.

Now with a French translation!

Chapters (1)

==Originally written Fall 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
After a long day of ruling Equestria, the Royal Sisters need a chance to unwind. Luna's solution is a few glasses of her once famous Moonshine, a drink distilled from moonlight. Celestia has been sober for a thousand years, but the temptation to have "just one" glass proves too great. Yet, when that one glass turns into several, it's Twilight who will have to deal with the princesses when they’re drunk off their flanks.

Chapters (1)

During an experiment, Twilight manages to bring a bottle containing a mysterious orange liquid into Equestria. Her curiosity gets the better of her and she decides to taste it, purely in the interests of science.

She soon finds that the pony body isn't designed to handle the awesomeness that is Irn Bru, at least not without some rather odd side effects. Side effects that her unfortunate assisstant will now have to put up with...


Comments may contain spoilers.

Inspired by a conversation I had on TeamSpeak with the awesome Sweet Tale (AKA Greatodyer).

I regret nothing.

Chapters (2)

The Everfree forest is just like any other forest—except it's full of monsters and weird magic junk, but ignoring that—it sometimes grows out of control and needs to be trimmed a bit. In order to keep the forest from growing too large, Celestia asks Twilight to start a controlled forest fire to burn a portion of it down. It seems like a simple request, but a series of mishaps and misunderstandings lead to some miscommunication and, subsequently, to Twilight setting fire to all of Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Not long after Tirek's defeat, Twilight has begun suffering from a medical condition that shouldn't be able to affect ponies and her life depends on Luna. How will both of their lives, and their relationship, be affected during the days and nights together as Twilight searches for a way to reclaim her independence?

* This is a TwiLuna story.
** Cover art by CaptainPudgeMuffin (Commissioned for this story.)

Traducción al español de mi fanfic por SPANIARD KIWI: Todos Para Una, y Una Para Luna

Chapters (13)

Twilight had done it. Spring had come on time for apparently the first time in quite a while in Ponyville thanks to her stellar organization skills...

What Twilight DIDN'T realize, was that Winter Wrap Up actually already had an organizer in place and that she basically took her position right out from under her.

Just a feelsy little one-shot I decided to write after it was revealed in episode 100 what Sparkler used to do in Ponyville before Twilight. Seriously, nopony finds it kinda sad?

Also, kinda, sorta spoilers for the 100th Episode, but takes place after Winter Wrap Up.

Edit: Now with an Audio Reading!

Edit 2: Featured in Equestria Daily's Pony Spotlight #5

Chapters (1)