A lone changeling begins to question the invasion of Canterlot. However only by meeting a certain pony will the monster make an important discovery.

Chapters (1)

After a misunderstanding leads to a vicious fight at Flight Camp that leaves them both in the hospital, Cloud Kicker wanted absolutely nothing to do with Rainbow Dash. However, Rainbow refuses to let a single incident destroy their friendship, and has been writing Cloud Kicker letters ever since that horrible day. For more than two years Cloud Kicker has been throwing the letter into the trash unopened, but what will happen when she finally reads one? Can their friendship possibly be salvaged?

Side-story to "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony"

Chapters (1)

Big Mac is not the most outspoken pony in Ponyville. In fact, he rarely speaks at all. All he seems to do is just work on his family's farm day in and day out. Nothing else but his orchards and family seem to matter to him.

Little does anypony know, he is fulfilling the final wish of his departed mother.

To be a simple pony.

Chapters (1)

Luna has never thought she really deserved her subjects' or her sister's forgiveness. Often, she questioned it, though she kept these thoughts to herself. When the pain of her past and her guilt continually eat away at her, she feels she deserves the pain, but she can only live with it for so long. Luna doesn't believe she should be in Equestria, let alone remain a princess. However, somepony else thinks very differently. If only Luna could see what she sees.

Chapters (1)

Depressed following the Ursa Minor incident, Trixie decides to return home to her remaining family for a visit.

However, for Trixie, Whinnychester brings out both the best and the worst of her self and her past, as she is reminded of that which marks her as different from other ponies.

Comments may have spoilers. Now with sequel. Cover art by Huussii

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scion of Chaos

After returning to Ponyville from Canterlot, Sweetie Belle tries her best to find her place amongst friends and family and to remember what it feels like to be home.

This story takes place 4 days after the finale of Scion of Chaos. (I recommend reading that first, if you haven't already)
And set 5 years later is the sequel story: A Heart of Change

Thanks to Rameslack for his amazing cover art.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has always looked up to Rainbow Dash as her friend, her inspiration; Even her big sister.
But as tragedy comes to prove, everyone must eventually say goodbye to their idols at one time or another... sometimes unexpectedly... and carry on their loved one's legacy.

In this tragic tale, Scootaloo will realize that life is a precious gift that can be taken away in the blink of an eye... or in the flap of a wing.

(Credit to http://knifeh.deviantart.com/ for picture and idea)

Chapters (4)

Princess Celestia has met many individuals whom she could call friends during her life. But given the fact she does not age like they do, she cannot bring herself to be there when they pass on. Still grieving after being forced to banish her own sister to the moon, she cannot face the prospect of losing those close to her.

Anthony, however, is the last human in Equestria; he is also the next to go. Now Celestia is determined to face her fears so she can be with him at the end.

Chapters (1)

When Applejack unwittingly gets caught up in Twilight's perfectionism, she quickly learns far more about the unicorn than she ever expected...

Chapters (1)

It's been uncounted millenia since the last of Twilight's first friends passed away. Even their names have passed into legend and myth, forgotten by the slow march of time. Now on a far away planet, she finds her musing upon all of her friends over the long years interrupted by her latest faithful student, Calming Waltz.

Now if she can only get that silly pony off to her wedding, and maybe teach her something about why her romance and wedding to come is so special and wonderous... Or at least something for Twilight to get a laugh out of, anyway.

Chapters (1)