This story is a sequel to Pirate Hats and Whatnot

Time flows on, the seasons change, and Anon continues to acclimate to his new life in a bizarre land of marshmallow horses. Thankfully, even in such a strange world, there are still some familiar truths he can depend on. The sun will rise in the east each day, the bare trees will soon be covered by brilliant green leaves, and the songbirds will return to the forest near his home at the first hint of spring...

Yes, even in a new world, there are certainties. And though he may not yet realize it, the fact that he lives in the same town as a particular pink pony means his latest plan to catch fish is most certainly going to be interrupted.

Ending Illustration provided by LeStrange

It's recommended that you read the original short story before reading this one.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Cupcake for Your Thoughts

Of all the girls at CHS, there's one in particular who's caught your eye. Rarity, the proper, well-spoken, and fabulous fashonista. Her poise and mannerisms are so unique and attractive. You'd give anything for a chance to ask her out. But she's way out of your league, and could find someone infinitely better than you.

During a violently stormy school day, you see Rarity fall in a puddle outside in the torrential downpour. You offer help, and perhaps your single act of generosity will make your dreams a reality.

2nd installment of the The Cute, the Fluffy, and Romantic

WARNING: May contain lots of fluff

**Featured on July 5, 2016 :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has invited you over for a lazy night at her house. How will she spill her secrets to you tonight?

Introducing: a 2nd-person story with only Rainbow Dash's lines to you for a truly immersive experience.

Chapters (1)

It was obvious in retrospect, but Selene still thinks that inhabiting the body of the separated Nightmare Moon ought to have done something about her crippling shyness.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

Ah yes, the fridge raid. The time of year that Celestia and Luna compete to steal a shortcake from the fridge. It gets fierce. It gets bloody. And most of all, it tastes delicious.

You want no part of it.

Sucks that Celestia is your wife, then, doesn't it?

Chapters (1)

Song and magic are two parts of the same whole in Equestria. When Rose saw Anon, it was love at first sight, and as if to shake any doubt, she heard their song, the one they're meant to sing together. It was the happiest moment of her life.

Until she realized he couldn't hear it.

An RGRE story

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to One Tree Orchard

Twilight just became an alicorn princess. This has made Celestia a little bit nervous. As her significant other, you know that it's up to you to ease her anxieties. It sounds like the ruler of Equestria needs some comfort, and maybe a little bit of snuggling.

Chapters (1)

Anonymous goes to a cafe and takes a chance on approaching a cold looking mare.

This is just a bit of nonsense I wrote on a whim. Feel free to tear it apart!

You find find narrations for both chapters here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

It's narrated by Forgotten Dreams, Mica, Wuten, and Agent0Fluffy! Thanks lads!

Chapters (2)

You just want to be left alone. Pinkie won't let that happen. She's been there.

Lighter, fluffier sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/373623/youre-getting-better

Chapters (1)

Your friends in Ponyville were quite shocked when your relationship with Marble Pie became public. They were even more shocked when she moved in with you and immediately became just another member of the community, all without saying a single word. To most of them, it can be hard to have a conversation with her.

To you, it's the easiest thing in the world.

Chapters (1)