
Some of Garble's gang turn from drakes to dragonesses and seek Twilight Sparkle and Spike for help, as they look for a cure the new dragonesses start to become a little more girly as Garble were to say.

Idea from picture made by QueenCold

Chapters (12)

The gathering of the world's worst, visited this year by a special guest: The world's Flutterest. And shyest, I suppose.

Loosely inspired by the 1939 Eugene O'Neil play 'Flutterdeath', the 1981 Frank Zappa song 'Minions', and the age old Finnish tradition of telling particularly devious japes and jiberies on the date known there as 'April Fool's Day'. Featuring a special mystery guest appearance! Who is it? Read inside and find out!

Chapters (1)

Spike introduces Ember and his other dragon friends to the magic mirror that leads to the human world.

They are not prepared for the reshaping of their bodies...so much so that they might forget to return home - despite the fact that home is literally a foot away. They would get there if they could just...stop...panicking!

Written for the portal transformations contest!
The cute and cool cover arts above are two artworks combined (which is why they might be a bit blurry; so check out the originals to see their art in all their glory!) They are drawn by the amazing Littletweenframes and Ferrokiva.
Three different pieces of artwork that show interpretations of Ember, here! Plus, a visual for the scene of Garble and Spike as dogs by Isa-Isa!
Also, the story has Ember taller than Spike, just like in show canon; despite the adorable first cover art above.

This idea is slightly based on the lovely story "Paws over Claws" by Quoterific.
This fic contains slight traces of Sparity. This story takes place before season ten, so Twilight and Spike still live in the Crystal Friendship/Harmony castle. :D

Thank you very much for reading my story. More stories should be coming soon! :heart:

Um, I mean...thank you for my first ever feature! :heart:


Yes, the title is named after the song "Who let the dogs out?!"

Chapters (1)

🧧For The Lunar New Year🧧

It's the Lunar New Year! And Twilight and friends are excited to go to Fillydelphia's Dragon Town and celebrate the holiday with their dragon friend, Mina. But none are more than excited than their friends Autumn Blaze, Mistmane, and Princess Luna.

Chapters (1)

Deep in a great desert that spans forever, amongst towering pillars of marble and gold, a single pony sets out on an adventure. He's heard tales of a legendary creature known only as the Strandbeast. Supposedly, the Strandbeast existed before time itself, but Raven doesn't believe it.

In a quest to find out the truth of the Strandbeast, as well as his home, Raven realises that maybe some things are best left forgotten...

Chapters (12)

After reaching an accords with the other pony tribes Commander Hurricane, finds herself out of a job that is until a dragon attack brings her out of retirement. This dragon is a behemoth of a beast though, and even with new allies helping, beating it might not be possible.

Blood and language.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hegira: Option Gamma

Not everyone can accept change. But sometimes, failing to do so is an unthinkable decision. Sometimes, intractability leads to war.

So often conflict has been driven by the selfish, or the fearful; but never before has the fate of an entire species been at stake.

Billions of lives are at risk.

Six friends face change in their own ways... But will they be the right ways?

Book Two of the Hegira Trilogy - This story only takes MLP G4 Seasons 1 - 3 as cannon, and ignores 4 and onwards.

Chapters (69)

Well, this is... annoying. I've been brought to Equus, and Celestia seems intent on trying to teach me about friendship. Well, I'm not interested. However, it would seem getting home isn't gonna be so easy. Well, I'm not gonna let that stop me. I am gonna get back home, no matter what!

(Please understand that this is my first attempt at a fanfiction, so it might not be that impressive. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.)

Chapters (2)

After a fiery accident, Spike goes missing, and no pony can find him. Twilight and friends must either keep up the search, or come to terms with reality. As for Spike, he finds himself in the custody of one dastardly horse. What follows is perhaps the most painful miserable few weeks of his life. Is there any chance of Twilight and Spike reuniting? Or will evil win this time? (takes place in the middle of Season 7)

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to The Big Switcharoo

A/N: It is very important that you read the prequel before reading this story; otherwise, some of the tags will not make any sense. Also, while this story is rated T for now, there's a chance it could become much more than that. Depending on how I feel about things, I might make this story get into M rating content.

Since the effects of "The Big Switcharoo" spell were permanent, Dragon Spike finds himself in an altnernate reality, where Dragons were the majority race, ponies were hostile, and the nation was called "Brimstone". Join the purple dragon we all know and love, as he manovours through countless obsicles, all while dealing with a dragon princess who's smitten with him beyond all belief. Strange thing is, he's smitten with her too.

Welp, here it is: My actual long-term side project, and what the smaller side-project was leading up to. This story is going to be a huge undertaking in more ways than one. The first part of that, is that nothing in this story will have a direct tie in with some episode from the MLP:FiM universe. But the second part and the bigger reason this will be such a huge undertaking, is that after the first chapter, I plan on every chapter having a word goal of twenty-five hundred. You read that correctly: For the first time, one of my story projects is going to be pushed beyond my ordinary limits and I'll be aiming for 2500 words per chapter. This story is an experiment to see if I can actually do something like this, and if people will actually enjoy the fact that I'm finally pushing past my comfort zone. If this story becomes well liked, you may just see future story projects from me having this same twenty-five-hundred-word goal. So...if you enjoy this attempt to make stories more in-depth, make sure you hit the like button. I'm setting a like goal of twenty-five likes, meaning if this story can get twenty-five green thumbs up, then twenty-five hundred words will be a standard moving forward.

Chapters (2)