Sunset flees Canterlot. Celestia will do anything to get her back.

Inspired by Fallout Equestria.

Chapters (1)

The Badlands, an area known for its unwelcoming and hostile environment, sits below Equestria. Although its environment is unfavorable for most ponies, here lies a refugee settlement aged by time. Chipbowl, once known as a refugee camp during and after the Great War, had been vibrant with instrumental potential. Years after the Gardens of Equestria, Chipbowl has transformed itself into a small-vibrant village for families of all species. As the environment isn’t and ideal area for the locals of Chipbowl to entertain themselves with, the residents had introduced themselves to the world of music. Genres such as bluegrass, blues, and jazz had gained popularity within the settlement; thanks to a popular duo named “Freebird”. The duo composed of Birdie, an earth pony, and Bassline, a gryphon. The duo had gained popularity in Chipbowl with their upbeat-blues-like style of music. However, as the years had passed, the duo fell into a rut.

The duo spent their whole lives revolving around the same ponies every day. Each performance the duo played; the same audience attended. The local bands and rivals the duo faced; unchanged. Every morning and night, the duo heard the same greeting; “good morning” and “goodnight”. The feeling of repetition had grown onto the duo. Their inspiration for writing and playing music slowly dwindled. However, hearing the stories of elders who had fled from Equestria to Chipbowl, had inspired them once again. There was a world outside of Chipbowl; an even bigger one that wasn’t surrounded by jagged rocks. Knowing very little about Equestria and what it may hold, the duo packed their instruments and traveled into the unknown. Living the life of experiencing no violence, conflict, or knowledge outside of Chipbowl had been a culture shock for the duo. With the dread of going back home, the duo has no choice but to face the wasteland.

Chapters (2)

A short prequel one-shot collection to Fallout Equestria: Uncertain Ties. Each chapter is a different short piece. Cowritten with Alaeru

Cover art by Kukotte

Chapters (7)

New Vanhoover was never a big place or a big deal. It's just a small town in the Southeast area of Vanhoover with only a hand full of settlers. But each one has their own quirks, personalities, favorite type of beverage (mostly), and they come from all walks of life. Some are big and some are small. Some are cheery and some are grumpy. It's a melting pot of races and individuals making a living in this small Wasteland town. And each one has their own story to tell.

A collection of short stories that take a look into the lives of the residents of New Vanhoover.

Chapters (1)

A year has passed since Scootaloo and Cherry Blossom adopted the de-aged Rainbow Dash clone named Prism Light. A few days ago was Mother's Day, and Prism sets out to find the best gifts she can to thank her moms for everything they've done.

A late Mother's Day fanfiction set in the same universe as Fallout Equestria: Survivor's Guilt.

Cover made by RainbowSurvivor.

Chapters (1)

Alope just wanted a cup of Equestria's finest coffee! Read about his many attempts to find the elusive beverage. From the streets of Manehatten to the depths of Filly, to the toxic heights of Canterlot, to the casinos of Dise, and the dangers of Hoofington, he will not rest until he gets a damn cup of coffee!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Fallout: Equestria - Secrets of the Past

The beginning in a long line of stories about an unlikely group of heroes.

Read the story about two sisters, one serious and the other obsessed with snack cakes, and how their epic tale of heroism began 80 years before the Light Bringer's destiny began to unfold...

Big thanks to Kkat for creating the wonderful universe of Fallout: Equestria
And big thanks to to Lauren Faust for making MLPFIM.
Also big old thanks to my editors and pre-readers!
Editing: Savoured Thoughts & flygirlll26262 & Ranger88
Pre-reading: PrinceUniversa & Somber

Chapters (1)

Somewhere in the multiverse, there is a bar. No, not that one. This one is legally distinct.

It is called Fimfiction.net, and in it, an artificial intelligence has devised the greatest Poker game the Multiverse has ever seen, featuring the likes of Littlepip (Fallout: Equestria), Griffin North (Griffin the Griffin), Chrysalis and Fluffle Puff (Ask Fluffle Puff), Erin Olsen (Project Sunflower), and CelestAI dealing (Friendship is Optimal).

I wrote this in two days in between a more serious story based on an idea i had nearly a year ago and some horrid art. God, it's terrible. Don't expect timelines to be adhered to, and if you have any complaints about the Poker being played, please comment it so I can laugh at you. If you haven't read all of the original stories (Adding up to 1247670 words, 2 entire ask blogs, and an entire youtube channel, so happy researching), don't expect to get all the jokes. But you can still do what I do; pretend you get them.

Chapters (1)

A story of two friends chilling with some magic grass in the Equestrian Wasteland.
Written for Leastways for an art trade.
Both Iso and Buddy belong to Leastways.
Cover Art also Done by Leastways. They are awesome give their art some love.

Chapters (1)

On the Last Day, the world came to an end. But it was just the beginning to a new world that awaited those that would survive. This is just one of many stories from the perspective of those that were there when the timer reached zero, and began again.

Chapters (1)