A unicorn is unsure how he's supposed to kiss his griffon boyfriend. The griffon has no idea.

A silly thing inspired by my friend Guard's sketch. Thank you for making a full pic for the cover.

Chapters (1)

Here's EAW's timeline btw

And here is an image of the map of EAW + Europe.

Technical summary:

Late Victorian era Europe of 1888 is inserted into the EAW universe in their respective year of 774ALB (Just after Grover I fails his invasion of Sicameon). Also, none of the Europeans remain human. Discord blushes.

Grover I, or the soon-to-be, "The Blessed," rests his creaky bones as he receives news of the defeat against Sicameon. Grover II will remember that. He pays little mind to this advancement, after all, he expected as much considering he only sent a meagre force mostly comprised of levies and Acquilean sellswords in his so-called 'military expedition,' though, he regrets the unifying effect he inadvertently initiated on the Parishes.

Across the sea, Celestia, as always carefully schemes and manipulates the fates of her neighbours, namely, Severyana, of which royal family and attached royal court she had been patiently nudging into a hyperbolic pit of Tartarus every generation or so to orchestrate a succession crisis. She figured they would blow up in 22 years. Of course, she could just ditch the mind-numbingly slow subtlety and just kick the Tzar in the flank and turn the boyars into ash, but she doubted the proud burghers and peasants of Severyana would appreciate that one bit.

Meanwhile, in Europe.

The Brits wept at the loss of their source of tea.

The Russians purchased a noose upon realising there was nothing past the Ural mountains.

The French erupted in civil disobedience, protests, riots; political and regular violence epidemic, Paris was in ru- oh wait, sorry, France was completely normal.

The Germans drowned themselves in beer. To their wives, 'it was because they had turned into mythical lion-eagle hybrids'. But really, they always finding excuses to get plastered.

The Austro-Hungarians continued to be a tongue-twister, and the powderkeg they sat on turned into a RBMK reactor with Dyatlov in charge.

The Italians surrendered to their mirrors when they awoke.

The Swiss became dragons.

The Spanish pretended that they had lost alot.

The Nords ate glue & paste.

The Balkans became Balkan-ier.

And the Portuguese... Uh, they existed.

Written on a phone.

I don't check my work. (It drains my motivation)

About my writing style: Why yes, I enjoy the mass assault doctrine. How could you tell???

I'm creatively bankrupt and have been playing an unhealthy amount of Victoria III and Equestria at War, and after my 9th playthrough of genocidal Suntail and Funni black flag Russia, I had the brilliant idea of writing a fic with the premise of Victorian Europe tryna scramble up the continents of Equus, Griffonia and Zebrica during their kinda-Renaissance.

It is very niche, but this story is mostly for me. I had to make a part of my brain shut up and unfortunately, my lobotomist got arrested, so I gotta do this now.

Yay, I got featured.

The shitty title pic is mine.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Equestria, the Infinite, and the Divine

Note: Technically it is a sequel to the other two stories but I am sure it does not need the others to stand with.

Cadance goes to Griffonstone to finalize a trade deal; Shining Armor follows her.

Trazyn abducts her and Armor (for respect) for a quick talk before leaving for good from that cursed rock.

But he did not leave before asking one last question.

One. Last. Jest.

(Because why not, eh?)

Chapters (5)

The year is 1007, and slavery is legal in the Colthaginian Republic. Under the brutal reign of the Zarcid family creatures are oppressed and exploited, bought and sold at the whims of cruel slavers.

Godfrey Girardin, on the other claw, finds "merchant" to be a more palatable name for his profession. Somehow he doesn't think his new marefriend will see it that way.

Takes place in the Equestria at War universe.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Homeworld: Equestria

The abilities of Equestria's space-faring navy are tested once more, as the war with the Turanic Raiders uncovers highly unsettling technology.

Chapters (36)

While the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam may feel like a conclusion to the story of New Vegas. For the Courier who fought at it and won it for Mr. House, it was merely another chapter in his already bloody story. Now armed with a prototype long ranged Transportalponder from Big MT, Houston finds himself in a world much different from his own.

One where you don't have to kill, lie and manipulate others to get by every day.
One where "friendship" is not a contract, but a given.
One where he is the Teacher to a world unscarred by the concept of war.

A world of...multi-colored Ponies?

Heavily inspired by the works of Rated Ponystar, ShoddyCast and numerous other MLP X Fallout stories.
Note that Courier Six's backstory derives from the Fallout New California mod.

Chapters (11)

Before the events of the show, Zecora finds herself on an airship back to her homeland. It will not be as she remembers it.

Part of the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest. I'll reveal the card I got in the Bingo when I post the last chapter. See if you can guess what it was!

Spanish/Español: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/El-secreto-de-Zimbabue-937901069 by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Pamasak-Butas

Garlan, local Manila street food vendor and griffon, sells his wares well into the Christmas season. As December nears, he receives a last-minute letter from his brother Gary: he's coming to Earth along with a couple cousins to spend some Christmas bonding time with Garlan and the family.

With no choice but to accommodate Gary's antics, Garlan puts up with the visit. Perhaps something can be gained from it somehow.

+ A six-chapter fic. Updates every two to one days. Reading of Pamasak-Butas is unnecessary for this story.
+ Thanks to: Beardman for providing a working outline for the idea, Venerable Ro and KorenCZ11 for pre-reading.

Chapters (6)

"Baltics: Population 6 million.
This can not end well... And neither can my supposed mini-vacation. Like waking up not human wasn't enough, everyone I've ever known and loved are gone and now I'm all alone and three hundred kilometers away from an empty home. Did I mention I'm some weird lion-chicken now? Fun...
But no, it doesn't just stop there. When one trek is over it can only signal the beginning of another journey that'll take me halfway across the world. It doesn't help that I can't swim..."

What started as the story equivalent of a survival game took a hard turn into existentialism, the breakdown of the individual without society and the meaning of being good. The philosophy of a selfish, soulless, depressed nihilist that desperately wants to be alone, but not lonely, and the hell that is people assuming they know you better than you do. The Dark tag is there for a reason.

A Ponies After People story. All art by me [devi] [tumblr] .

Chapters (14)

"On behalf of Management, the following contract bestows upon The Company the indelible right to prospect Eqqus in its entirety, granting you the role of an intermediary between Deep Rock Galactic, and planetary governmental bodies.

In return, DRG offers its technological support, coupled with monetary compensation equal to any complications that may, or may not, occur as a result of our ongoing operations.

Management discourages investigation and/or disruption of our planetary operations, which may, or may not, result in bodily injury and/or death of interlopers."

Here’s my, admittedly silly, entry to that dialogue contest.

Chapters (3)