This story is a sequel to Pamasak-Butas

Garlan, local Manila street food vendor and griffon, sells his wares well into the Christmas season. As December nears, he receives a last-minute letter from his brother Gary: he's coming to Earth along with a couple cousins to spend some Christmas bonding time with Garlan and the family.

With no choice but to accommodate Gary's antics, Garlan puts up with the visit. Perhaps something can be gained from it somehow.

+ A six-chapter fic. Updates every two to one days. Reading of Pamasak-Butas is unnecessary for this story.
+ Thanks to: Beardman for providing a working outline for the idea, Venerable Ro and KorenCZ11 for pre-reading.

Chapters (6)

"Baltics: Population 6 million.
This can not end well... And neither can my supposed mini-vacation. Like waking up not human wasn't enough, everyone I've ever known and loved are gone and now I'm all alone and three hundred kilometers away from an empty home. Did I mention I'm some weird lion-chicken now? Fun...
But no, it doesn't just stop there. When one trek is over it can only signal the beginning of another journey that'll take me halfway across the world. It doesn't help that I can't swim..."

What started as the story equivalent of a survival game took a hard turn into existentialism, the breakdown of the individual without society and the meaning of being good. The philosophy of a selfish, soulless, depressed nihilist that desperately wants to be alone, but not lonely, and the hell that is people assuming they know you better than you do. The Dark tag is there for a reason.

A Ponies After People story. All art by me [devi] [tumblr] .

Chapters (14)

Audrey Dufour is a Rilan factory worker. Desperate to not starve to death, she and other workers organize a protest. But the King of Aquileia has no tolerance for such things, and he sends his army to restore order.

Written for the third Equestria at War writing contest.

Chapters (1)

Gustave le Grand will cater anywhere.


Entry into the Season 9 Bingo Contest! Thanks to Overkenzie for proofreading, and the title.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to [EAW] Wingfried von Katerinburg's speech on International Pony Menace and the Great War

The Regent Archon Eros learns that the (very) young Emperor Grover VI is in a "diplomatic meeting" with Wingfried von Katerinburg, the so-called 'Führer' of Hellquill. Archon Eros already knows about the untrustworthy and eccentric personality of Wingfried, and when he learns that not only he is in the royal palace, but also in a "meeting" with the young and naive Emperor, he is instantly overwhelmed by fear. Meanwhile, Wingfried von Katerinburg has already started applying his plans for the young and naive Emperor...

Chapters (1)

To celebrate the day of Manehattan's founding 400 years ago, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna organize the Pegasi Equestrian Express Race, a race where ponies and beings from all over Equestria and beyond come together to compete in the longest race in the land's history. It celebrates the pegasi who would traverse the then harsh landscape of the kingdom to deliver the mail between Vanhoover in the west, and Manehattan in the east, a route that inspired the modern railways. Everyone may compete, but not all will be victorious.

A young mailmare by the name of Derpy Hooves find herself participating in the race in order to save something she holds dear, but she has no idea what the adventure will bring.

Chapters (9)

An Equestria at War mod (Hoi IV) story.

Following its creation during the Great War, the continent of Griffonia has viewed the Solar Empire with suspicion, as the lands of what was once Equestria closed themselves to the rest of the world. These cold relations grew after the direct annexation of the Changeling Lands and the start of the Northern War against Nova Griffonia.

The Griffonian Empire, the sole power that could rival the Solar Empire in terms of strength, has been aiding its former colony in its war against Daybreaker, but with each day that passes the Northern Alliance between Nova Griffonia and Vedina looks more likely to capitulate. The Griffons are fearful of the Solar Empire gaining territory in the Griffonian continent, while the Solarists increase their paranoia of the Griffonian Empire directly intervening in the conflict. As tensions grow, the fate of the world hangs on a thread.

Chapters (5)

When my dad died, I started a new life. Then, he came back.

Seventh place in the October 2019 'Friendship is Short Shorts' Writeoff, "Crossing Over." Also written as part of the SFNW October event. Happy Spooptober, everyone!

Thanks to Syke Jr and Lofty Withers for editing. Where would I be without you absolute legends.

Chapters (1)

One day, Octavia decided to go for a walk around town.

A few weeks—then months—later, she became friends with a Griffonian Warlord, had tea with the ambassador of Zebrica, played music for a Draconic god, hoof-bumped a Sea Serpent, stopped a Diamond Dog raid, traveled across an arid desert, joined a pack of Gypsies on a pilgrimage, and found herself in the middle of a bloody race war with nothing but a box of wool socks.

Gods did those things smell.

Inspired by Zenith, a wonderful work from The Descendant.

Now has its own TV Tropes page, courtesy of Phoenix of Aurelius, who doubles as the occasional editor!

Chapters (64)

This story is a sequel to From the Dawn of Time

With the spring thaw of 6792AT (1008ALB in the Princess' Reckoning), the Socialist Republic of Skynavia launched a war that had been two decades in the brewing. With numerical parity, technological and doctrinal superiority and a devoted populace, the odds should have been vastly in their favour.
Reality however, is seldom so forgiving. Where the Skynavian command was divided and suffered from over-frequent reshuffles, the tribes united behind their Moot. Where the Skynavians expected to face spear waving barbarians, they met disciplined soldiers led by seasoned commanders.
This is not the story of the Battle of Firefly Bog, aid unlooked for in Braunles or even of a gruelling march through Ostfloy, however. This is a story about the aftermath of war in a world close to ignition point.

Second place winner of the First EaW Fanfiction Zone Writing Contest (https://www.fimfiction.net/group/216203/first-fanfiction-zone-writing-contest)
This is a short story set in the world of the acclaimed Hearts of Iron 4 mod, Equestria at War. It is canon to the Quenta Roccolië, albeit written as a standalone story.
Rated everyone, though there is PG level discussion of execution and slavery.
Thanks to Clear Skies-Roan for betaing.

Cover image is an old etching of Exeter Guildhall

Chapters (1)