[2nd-Person Fic starring you and Applejack]

With a history of theft and deception behind you, you make the best for yourself through possessions belonging to others. Or, rather, the possessions that once belonged to others. With no need for a steady line of work, you keep yourself afloat through your occupation as a master thief.

But when a heist goes awry, you're left at the mercy of a simple apple farmer...

Author's Note: Alrighty! Here's a new one!

Uh...I really don't know what to say here. Compared to Rejuvenate, I planned this one out WAY more, so hopefully you won't find it as sloppy.

Won't be incredibly saucy. At the most, I'm predicting this one to be about the [Tender] rating.

Enjoy, folks!

Artwork by Graffston of dA.

Chapters (15)

The rays consume my body as I scream out, yet I feel no pain from the power of the crystal heart. No, the only pain I feel is from the memories that pass through my mind, the memories of my life.

Reading by Forgotten Dream

Fanfic Reading by Eighth Flame


Chapters (1)

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Review by PaulAsaran
Review by Cerulean Voice
Review by Titanium Dragon

While visiting Twilight Sparkle, Rarity stumbles across an old book that, upon first glance, seems to provide a detailed insight into time-worn customs on the preservation of beauty and grace. Eager to expand upon her knowledge, she takes the book home with her.

She soon discovers that the book offers more than she ever could have imagined, and its secrets can be hers...

...if she's willing to pay the price.

Prompt and editing provided by Cold in Gardez
Additional editing provided by Themaskedferret

Chapters (1)

Somewhere within the vast reaches of the Crystal Mountains, a changeling scout stumbles across a dying mare. Confused, upset, and unsure what else to do, he decides to carry her back to his queen…

Artwork by the Inimitable Plainoasis

Chapters (1)

Featured August 5-7, 2013.

After releasing Snowdrop's first snowflake into the first winter's snow, Luna reminisces about the last time she saw Snowdrop before becoming Nightmare Moon. After going to bed and commencing her dreamwalking for the night, she runs into said friend in her own dreams.

This is a sequel to SillyFillyStudios fan episode Snowdrop. It is advisable that you watch before reading the story.


Chapters (1)

A short story about waiting, hay fries, and the dangers of space and silence in matters of the heart.

Takes place in the background of "Twilight Time".

(Featured by Equestria Daily, The Royal Guard, and the Royal Canterlot Library. Thanks so much, everyone!)

Chapters (1)

Sometimes life's lessons are easiest to learn in our old classrooms, and with our old teachers. Standing on the cusp of her journey as an instructor at the School of Friendship, Scootaloo hopes that her very first teacher can offer her some insight.

Third place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting 'Colorful Characters #5' contest. The colorful character was Cheerilee, and the prompt was "patience".

Chapters (1)

I'm in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of orifices I didn't know I had. Why am I there? Why is Rainbow Dash sitting in the corner?

Why is she crying?

Chapters (10)

This is the emotional tale of Bramley Apple, the father of Big Macintosh, Applejack, and Applebloom. He has returned to make amends with his family he abandoned over ten years ago. However, the sudden appearance comes to a total shock to the eldest sibling as he is resentful and determined not to accept his father's unexpected visit.

~ Kudos to Blaster Master for his assistance with the proofreading!

Chapters (1)

She is the last. All her kin are gone. They'd either been blown apart by the Friendship spell so many ages ago or, in the case of her sister, changed their diet from hate to love. Cryoxia is the last of the windigos, but she is determined to be different, to never go back to those days ever again.

She'll make friendship from hate. She'll adopt an alicorn foal as her sister. She'll take physical form and learn how to move the celestial orbs with her mind. Celestial... has a nice ring to it. And she'll ally with the other nations in the world, establish friendship and preach harmony, no matter how they may diminish her food source. She'll make a world so wonderful that it will starve her to death.

Or die trying.

For antiquity, featured 10/9/14, 10/13/14 -10/16/14

Chapters (3)