With no warning, the might of the Griffon kingdom descends upon Equestria. Twilight, in her desperation, teleports Spike as far away from the conflict as she can in the hope of saving his life. Completely lost for the first time in his life, Spike must learn how to survive in the world alone.

But, when he finds out about the fate of Equestria and what could possibly be happening to his friends, can Spike realize the true might that comes with being a dragon? And will it be enough to help him reclaim the only treasures he ever allowed himself to hoard: his friends?

****Alt Uni tag for heavy use of Draconic abilities and lore outside of the MLP universe because, well, the MLP universe doesn't really have any of it's own.****

**Giant super awesome mega thanks to my amazing editor Idylia

Chapters (16)

"OH! That would be the Elements of Harmony! They're the neatest thing! We each get a jewel necklace--Twilight gets a sparkly tiara--and we used them to defeat Discord and Nightmare Moon with rainbows that go pewpewpew-!"

A clawed glove wrapped over Pinkie Pie's lips, silencing her.

"What does the pink one speak of, pony?" He demanded of Twilight, who sputtered at his question. "Do these 'Elements' hold the power to resurrect humanity?"

"I'm... not sure." She returned, halfheartedly. "They're pretty powerful..."

"Where are they?"

"In Canterlot, the city on the mountains, but-"

He dropped Pinkie and stomped off, leaving her to flop around her stretched-out lips. Twilight saw that he was going out the door and in the direction of the city she had mentioned.

"W-wait! Stop!" She galloped after him.

Chapters (2)

When Lance Strongshy's medical career is endangered due to relentless nightmares depriving him of sleep, his daughter Fluttershy once again overlooks the horrible past she suffered at his hooves and enlists the help of her friends to cure him. But, when the only sufficiently expedient solution turns out to be a certain spell that Twilight was instructed to never cast again, it becomes uncertain if their efforts will save him, or utterly destroy him.

A sequel to JakeHeritagu's Silent Ponyville 2, read that first if you haven't already: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4868/Silent-Ponyville-2

And THAT one is the sequel to JakeHeritagu's Silent Ponyville so if you haven't read either here's where you should start: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/106/Silent-Ponyville

(First cover art by http://manwhomurderedtime.deviantart.com/ )
(Current cover art by http://www.fimfiction.net/user/SamRose )

Chapters (32)

This story is a sequel to Monsters

You might think that Equestrian nights are but serene exhibitions of Luna's work on the sky. You may believe that you can just lay out on the grass and admire the beautiful stars as a warm evening breeze caresses your mane. And you would be wrong.

Equestria is a magical place, and where there is magic, there is chaos. Dead rising from their graves, inanimate objects coming to life, strange apparitions making your foal cry in her room... sounds familiar? No? Then I'm doing my job right.

I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I work the Night Shift.

This follows canon up to the end of season 2.
Check out the Fanart Repository for lots of awesome Night Shift art!

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Winner of Stories Back from the Read 2013.
One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library!
Special thanks to Nonagon and Wise Cracker.

Chapters (17)

The doctor pronounced it officially: Scootaloo will never fly. However, Rainbow Dash and Applejack introduce her to another pony who has a story they hope Scootaloo can relate to.

Sequel: The Ponies in the Caves
Side-story: Redheart's War

Chapters (1)

We went in expecting vicious graverobbers, desperate bandits, even crazed grievers who had trapped themselves down there.

If only we were so lucky.

(For Halloween. Part of the Upheaval world)

Chapters (11)

Hope is the faith of the young. Losing everything she holds dear, Puppysmiles embarks on the adventure of her life to find her mother, her hopes of meeting her again driving her through the horrors of a world not of her making. Too bad the Wastelands doesn't care about hope.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 2: The Awakening

The TARDIS takes the Doctor and Twilight to the planet of Eugora in the year 1899. Here they come across a group of pony soldiers, explorers, and scientists. However, the forests of Eugora hide dark secrets and the Doctor, Twilight, and others find themselves facing off against two deadly enemies, and the Doctor knows one of them.

Chapters (7)

When scout has a meaningful chat with sniper, he announces that he wants a change, when he goes to sleep that night, scout wakes up no longer in the world he knew.
How will he adapt to the changes around him? and the inhabitants that greet him?

Being a Fan of Team fortress and My little pony, I decided to make a crossover story.

Inspired by: My little fortress: Teamwork is magic.
Please notify me of any mistakes of grammar and spelling in this story,
feel free to criticize me so that I can improve. Thanks In Advance guys!
Love and Tolerate!
image source: Unknown, I do not take credit, credit to original owner and respective rights.

Chapters (2)

The year is 2557 AD. Four years, seven months and ten days have passed since the activation of Installation 04B and the annihilation of the Flood. While humanity and the Covenant have struck a truce for the time being, and started to rebuild their civilizations, Master Chief Petty Officer Spartan John-117 has been in cryo-sleep, adrift, while his ancillary AI, Cortana, has been trapped in her own thoughts. She had been looking for a reason -- any reason -- to wake the SPARTAN up. Now she had one.

They were crashing.

{Description Edited 4/25/2014: Clarified Installation 04B}
{Edit 05/02/2014: Trimmed character list pending future change}

Chapters (5)