During a ball celebrating the newfound friendship between Equestria and Griffonian Empire, emperor Grover VI finds himself alone with an Equestrian officer. The young emperor most certainly does not have a crush on her. Princess Cadence has most certainly not pulled a single string.

Based on Equestria at War mod and this Reddit comment.

Chapters (1)

NCR Ranger Veteran,
BoS Knight,
Lucky Bastard,
Courier Six,

Six, (Anti)Hero of the Mojave Wastes, has been called by many names. But no name rung truer at that moment than idiot. A random quest out to the West, and what does he have to show for it? A new body, and a new world.

1k views as of 4/20/2020
2k views as of 4/24/2021

Chapters (8)

Tonight was the Blue Moon festival, and Smolder wanted to celebrate the holidays with Gallus to spice things up a bit. Gallus, however, thinks that she wouldn’t appreciate the her visit due to… some of the griffon’s attitudes.

Gallus just hopes that Smolder doesn’t think she made a mistake. The last thing he wants was for her to feel unwelcome. He would do anything to impress her in this shabby town of Griffonstone.

Written for Wanderer D for Jinglemas 2023

Special thanks to goofy goober starcoder for being the only proofreader and doing the cover. That helped immensely. 🙏

From the wise words of The Red Parade, “Please don’t ban me oh god.”

Chapters (1)

Upon earning his place in the Mighty Helm, Rockhoof joins his fellow warriors in the mead hall and finds his first challenge: determining what is the right thing to do. All the more crucial, when war is imminent between ponies and griffons.

Entry for Writeoff FiM Short Story Round, Event 91. Prompt: All the Time in the World.

Chapters (1)

One day, Octavia decided to go for a walk around town.

A few weeks—then months—later, she became friends with a Griffonian Warlord, had tea with the ambassador of Zebrica, played music for a Draconic god, hoof-bumped a Sea Serpent, stopped a Diamond Dog raid, traveled across an arid desert, joined a pack of Gypsies on a pilgrimage, and found herself in the middle of a bloody race war with nothing but a box of wool socks.

Gods did those things smell.

Inspired by Zenith, a wonderful work from The Descendant.

Now has its own TV Tropes page, courtesy of Phoenix of Aurelius, who doubles as the occasional editor!

Chapters (64)

Gabby has spent her whole life in Equestria under the care of Octavia Melody, the Element of Magic. When a chance encounter with a grumpy scone baker leads her to realise that she knows nothing about griffons, she goes on a journey of self-discovery to Griffonstone.

Standalone prequel to Runic Notation; all you need to know to understand this is that Octavia and Gabby are roleswapped with Twilight and Spike, respectively. Takes place in the equivalent of season 2. Edited by SockPuppet, TCC56, and Sledge115. Cover by Cosmic Eclipse.

Chapters (3)

Hegira (n.) - "A flight, or journey, to a more desirable place."

Life is a series of choices. When two worlds collide, choice becomes more difficult, and nuanced. A dying planet has a peculiar way of reshuffling people's priorities.

For a long time, humanity has only had three options: Ignore the inevitable, risk the unthinkable, or become the unimaginable.

All that is about to change.

Everyone knows the Ponies of Equestria fairly well... But here, there be Gryphons.

Book One of the Hegira Trilogy - This story only takes MLP G4 Seasons 1 - 3 as cannon, and ignores 4 and onwards.

Chapters (48)

As the Pre-Equestrian Era approaches its end, a new society surfaces. Corruption prowls the land and the encroaching Gryphon army seeks to lay waste to the three pony tribes. However, a much more dangerous threat is dwelling within, a threat that could destroy everything that ever existed and will exist.

Two millennia into the future, Equestria is entering a new, prosperous age. When the researchers of the Canterlot research branch initiates a project that will allow ponies to peer into history, a secret sealed since before the Hearth Warming is unveiled. An experiment with recreating tangible virtue history goes wrong, possibly changing the very history of Equestria... for better or worse.

Beware of spoilers in the comments section. Artist is here though the image source can no longer be found (removed from deviantart).

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to [EAW] Discovery in Hellquill

With Hellquill top command completely appalled by the mysterious incident two weeks prior, the irritated General Kamphaus has decided to pay a visit to his Führer in his castle with the intent of "settling" their differences.

Cover art by me

Chapters (1)

Katerin is dying a slow and painful death. Amongst the provinces of the Griffonian Empire it is the poorest, most lawless hive of scum and villiany that currently stands. Its economy is in shambles and bandits roam freely across the countryside. These matters are not made any better by the rumors of the plague or the poor health of the Emperor (whom is all that is holding this dying empire together).

A confirmed factor making the province worse is the Mad Princess of the realm who seems hellbent on breaking the already broken province with that damned insufferable skull of hers... wait a minute. Did that skull just talk?

Cover Art commissioned by Me on Twitter. The Artist is bird_of_north, they do adorable stuff. Check them out.
An Equestria at War Fiction.
Brought to your Personal Computers (and other things) by Lunar Reaper
- Princess Diellza Von Katerinburg (The Mad Princess)(Lover of books) (Let them have Bandits!)
- The Glorious Glitterhoof (First of his name)(Most Eligible Inanimate object of 1007)(Tap Dancing Champion of Katerin for 5 years running)

Chapters (2)