"How could somepony as amazing as you not have a Special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

With that single sentence, a thousand memories came flooding back to Cheerilee. A thousand memories of a thousand terrible dates...

Chapters (59)

After a newspaper article declares Sunburst "The Crystal Empire's Sexiest Eligible Bachelor", the shell-shocked wizard is now left with one very important question:


Hopefully Princess Cadence and Rarity can help him understand just that.

Artwork by Cayfie.

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a mare named Pinkie Pie.

At least, it would be, if she would allow such a story to be told. But she may end up disregarding the narrative... or worse.

Originally featured on 8/28/15!
Goodreads entry~

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Discord vs Sheogorath

In this (not) awaited sequel, the gods of Chaos and Madness return! They've already met, but when a third stranger arrives and stirs up trouble, what will the ultimate outcome be?

Whatever it is, there will be three omnipotent characters ready and willing to completely (slightly) maybe screw it up.


Chapters (1)

Do you want to be the next great Equestrian supervillain? Do you have what it takes to challenge the Mane Six? If so, then see Pinkie Pie at Ponyville Castle! She’s looking for a dastardly new crop of evildoers, and if you're one of the best you just might make the cut.

Oh – if you do decide to apply, be sure to fill out Form 112-B in its entirety! Twilight gets very upset if you forget the form. And don't be late!

Chapters (1)

The six elements of Harmony took Twilight's birthday party to the Canterlot garden party in Sweet and Elite. But what happens after that? The party relocates again at the request of Princess Celestia, and Luna comes as well!

Chapters (6)

The Bearers have encountered more than a few mysterious hidden villages, and that just never works out. But when they come across one whose residents believe that ponies must have their bodies covered at all times, Rarity starts to wonder if she's finally found her ideal audience.

For the answer, please see 'just never works out.'

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Discord has only been improving, and Twilight wants to reward him with a little more responsibility. As a thank you, Discord rewards her with a shiny new vending machine for the Crystal Tree.

The problem? That vending machine dispenses bees.

Twilight now has a castle full of bees that will attack of she thinks the wrong kind of thoughts... That being said, if she thinks the right ones...

Chapters (1)

It's all in the color, isn't it? We've seen it time and time again. There's a certain limited range of shades which guarantee survival. In fact, that part of the color wheel means staying in the world whether you want to or not, even if you should have passed on long ago.

So in the end, it's not that her fur means Fluttershy CAN'T die. It's more that the network isn't going to LET her.

(Original story inspiration by Fan Of Most Everything.)

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)