The thing about loyalty... the thing about loyalty is that sometimes you don't know where your loyalties lie.
Have I always been loyal to my friends? No. There are things that they didn't know about me. Lots of secrets from the past that I've kept from everypony. I had a past full of disgrace, shame, and loneliness. Things that I wish had never happened. Only a few ponies know the truth. But I could only keep my past away for so long...

Chapters (10)

(This is an old story I wrote three years ago during season 1)

Twilight Sparkle's birthday has come around, and Rainbow Dash is unimpressed with Rarity's present. When Applejack pokes a bit of fun with her friend, Rarity becomes unusually upset. Twilight Sparkle investigates her friend's feeling, learning something she never expected about her friend and why she is truly suited to be the element of Generosity.

Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Simply-Rarity-Spanish-translation-846034960

Chapters (1)

Who would've known that it would happen so fast? Heh... One day you're all fine, smiling and cracking jokes. But the next day... You're not there anymore. You just disappeared and took all the cheerfulness with you. I can't describe properly how much I miss you...

I miss you so much that it hurts but I must let you go.

Written in less than an hour in an attempt to get the writing groove back on.

Chapters (1)

An elderly Twilight Sparkle goes back in time to tell herself to stop studying.
What is the point in knowing how life works, if you're not out there understanding why it works?

Chapters (2)

Prologue to Missed Calls.

Fluttershy is unable to move, and unable to feel anything that is going on around her. Her world is strange, and she doesn't really know what is going on. So, unable to move, she does the only thing that she can do.

She remembers.

Translated into Russian by Athlete.

Chapters (1)

When filly Twilight asks Celestia to tell her a bedtime story, the Princess is not prepared for the many memories that float to the surface once she is asked this. She mainly remembers a small filly just like Twilight, who also asked for bedtime stories many years ago.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do is a famous hero, with plenty of good friends and thousands of fans. Everything in her life seems to be going right. So why can't she be happy?

A Daring Do fanfiction about depression, which can happen to anypony. Inspired by "What Good Will Wishing Do?", from the 1986 My Little Pony movie.

Chapters (2)

Alone and afraid, Sunset Shimmer has been living off of the streets in Canterlot ever since she ran away from home. She is barely holding on as it is and winter is coming soon, and Sunset doesn't know how she's going to survive this one. On a particularly cold night, she's out searching for something to eat when she bumps into the last pony she expects to see walking through the slums: Princess Celestia.

Edited by Alcatraz
Cover art drawn by Dilarus

YouTube Reading!

Chapters (1)

Magic works in strange ways, and seems to manifest in every pony differently. It's always about how one uses their gifts that magic has given them that matters. Sweetie Belle has learned one thing for certain in the past few years, and that is some gifts can quickly turn into a curse.

Featured on Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/story-like-me.html

Update 2/27/12: Fixed a flaw related to the "Sweetie only tried once", complaint. It now explains she attempted a few times.
Also minor grammatical errors.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna was always known as the solitary princess. She spent much time in her room, attached to none else other than her sister for their trade of the heavens. She was a very lonely princess, even if it appeared that she preferred the isolation.

Twilight Sparkle found an odd book in her shipment from Princess Celestia. Hoofbound and unlabeled, reading it opens a door she cannot, and will not, close with the youngest diarch.

She will not let one of her friends hurt alone, not on her watch.

Coverart is temporary until I can make my own.
(Featured 2/24-27/22, huzzah!)

Chapters (1)