A timeless foe threatens the land of Equestria, neigh the world and beyond, and only Princess Twilight Sparkle is able to prevent this crisis. She will most certainly embark on a legendary quest that will undoubtedly span many written volumes and be filled, filled to the brim with rock hard drama, life-changing decisions that may jeopardize friendships and even a few cheap laughs along the way. Or not.

Chapters (1)

The zombie apocalype has come.

And gone.

Half of Equestria doesn't even notice.

The other half doesn't seem to care.

Picture by Alasou

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Scootaloo are homeless in a Ponyville alleyway together. They like to talk about things.

These are the things they talk about.

Note: The crayon scribbles of a plot is done, but the ride never ends story still updates.

Chapters (43)

Rainbow Dash's son learns that unexpected surprises may come from those we underestimate. A story on father/son bonding.

Updated with self-drawn/colored coverart.

Chapters (11)

Drone 319, Queen Chrysalis's top spy in Ponyville, finds himself hovering over Ciderfest tied to a balloon. Why? He doesn't know. When asked what he's doing, he says the first thing that comes to mind to keep his cover.

"I'm a Zeppelin."

Picture art https://derpibooru.org/301934

[Featured 11/11-17/2016 :yay:]

(Now with audio reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqaOKuSnH1I&feature=youtu.be)

Chapters (1)

Inspired by Friendship with Benefits is Magic. Not intended as a direct followup as much as my own take on the idea. What is Celestia to do when Twilight Sparkle shares a little too much? And why doesn't Twilight have any idea what she's talking about? And why is Luna smiling so much!?

Followed up by yet another epistolary conversation between Twilight and Celestia about the magic of not knowing what the hay that other pony is talking about. Features a special guest appearance by naughty!Luna.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

Chapters (2)

One day, just like that, Twilight decides she's going to die.

Edited by Pearple Prose, MrNumbers, and Themaskedferret.

Chapters (2)

Twilight casts a new spell labeled as a "pick-me-up" that, among other things, gives her the ability to smell color and causes her to lose all meaning of the words "personal space."

Chapters (1)

The Crusaders are asking The Question... and they keep getting the same annoying answer. So in desperation, they go to the expert on the subject... Twilight Sparkle!

A legitimately E-rated story about the birds and the bees... because for ponies, there's nothing to be embarrassed about really. Well... almost nothing...

Chapters (1)

Celestia has an important duty, raising and lowering the sun, what most ponies don't know however, is that the sun wants to rise and that Celestia didn't get her cutie mark by lowering the sun with magic...

She got it by being more stubborn.

Chapters (1)