
The Great and Powerful Trixie has spent many years wandering Equestria, hauling her little wagon behind her. She's spent all those years alone, and that's just fine by her. Who needs other ponies?

Soon enough, though, she finds herself followed by a strange unicorn mare who insists on being taught the tricks of her trade. Trixie teaches her, but is the mare really ready for all a showmare's life entails?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to On the Courtship Behavior of Swamp-Dwelling Chimeras

Learning to read is rather challenging under normal circumstances, but it doesn't help when your other two heads would rather be courting or hunting. So far, though, Agatha has risen to the challenge admirably under the tutelage of Twilight Sparkle herself—or at least she did before the day she and her sisters walked into Ponyville to discover the burnt-out husk of the library tree. Worst of all, though, was that even though few of the books survived, the bastard who committed this unspeakable crime is still alive....

For now.

Artwork by Page Turner

Chapters (1)

Everyone has an imaginary friend growing up: a stuffed animal, a companion to guard us when the monsters come knocking and the like. We know them and love them; they mean everything to us. But have we ever stopped to ask what we mean to them?

Chapters (1)

To Holmes, she was always "the mare." Whether she stole the Starry Night was perhaps beside the point. What mattered to Holmes was that he had been matched at his own game, by a mare; that it had not been altogether unpleasant; and that she had caused him, however briefly, to turn his keen and unflinching gaze upon himself.

On EQD July 31, 2012.

Chapters (11)

It is said the River Styx seperates the land of the living from the fields of the dead. Every mortal eventually finds themselves crossing the black river of woe with its odd ferryman to meet their final resting place. The only question Twilight has is this.

Why was she here?

Big thanks to my editor, SirTruffles, for all his help and hard work!

Chapters (1)

One night upon awakening, Fluttershy sees two pinpoints of light starring back at her from the foot of her bed. Whatever it is appears to stare her down. She finds herself in a situation which may just be the end of her life unless she can escape before the Thing moves first...

Audio version done by Sparrow9642 YAY!

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Perfect Story for a Pony Creepypasta Audio-Reading! /)(^3^)(\

Chapters (1)

After a long night of partying with her old friends at the Castle Courtyard, Moondancer once again heads back home.

But despite all the good that has transpired that night... and unbeknownst to anypony else... there are still some inner demons left for her to confront when she arrives.


Based around the events of the episode Amending Fences. Rated for sad and dark themes.

Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

It’s never particularly easy being at the top of the food chain, even under normal circumstances, but Eleanor’s circumstances are hardly normal: as one-third of the chimera who prowls the fire geyser swamp south of Ponyville, the tigress must deal with all of the usual stresses that come with being an apex predator, and she has to manage two bickering sisters who simply refuse to shut up and do as they’re told. However, she and her sisters face an unexpected challenge when they come across evidence that a new predator is trying to push into their territory.

(For anyone who's concerned about the gore tag, the violence in this story is of the sort that is typical of a nature documentary. If you can handle the stuff on the Discovery Channel, you shouldn't have too much trouble with this.)

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Brightest and the Best

Professor Crystal Clear, Chairpony of the Board of Examiners at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns has always taken pride in running a fair set of admissions tests to accurately assess all candidates and select those most deserving of a place at the elite academy. Together with her colleagues, she has upheld the highest standards of academic excellence, and managed the school examinations with the utmost professionalism.

Then there came the day they met Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (2)

Twilight discovers the journal of King Sombra, and the unexpected secrets within.

A special thanks to my editor Stereo_Sub for such amazing editting.
Also a thanks to Gela-G-I-S-Gela for the coverart

Chapters (1)