Magic works in strange ways, and seems to manifest in every pony differently. It's always about how one uses their gifts that magic has given them that matters. Sweetie Belle has learned one thing for certain in the past few years, and that is some gifts can quickly turn into a curse.

Featured on Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/story-like-me.html

Update 2/27/12: Fixed a flaw related to the "Sweetie only tried once", complaint. It now explains she attempted a few times.
Also minor grammatical errors.

Chapters (1)
by Seer

Rarity is getting ready to meet her friends for lunch.
She just needs to make sure the boutique is okay first.

Now with a reading by Quinch here and by Scribbler here

Chapters (1)

It's been exciting times for Vinyl Scratch--the hit new DJ making big waves in the music industry. And she tells anypony who asks she owes it to one wonderful mare: none other than the lovely Octavia Overture.

The public is no stranger to the talents of Miss Octavia--especially amongst the upper crust--and yet her name has been silent amongst the musical circles lately.

Though happy for her love's roaring success, Octavia sits at home alone, with her cello lying untouched for months. And tonight, Vinyl is later than usual in getting home--no doubt due to her success at becoming her own musician.

Tonight, Octavia is going to open the special cabinet.

Tonight? It may be a dream come true for Vinyl, lost in the beat and bass, but...for Octavia?...There is only the sound of silence.

Now graced by an amazing dramatic reading by the super talented, Scribbler.

Cover by the wonderful: Ori-Jami

This story is (most likely) canon in regards to the Peregrine Fanonverse.

My first go at a VinylTavia story. I had originally thought to do a much bigger story--origin tale, development of the friendship and relationship, try and get my own take on the characters and their personalities...but inspiration struck, and here we are.

I'll still write the big story and I'm almost certain this will be canon in regards to it. So, this is a snapshot--events have transpired before this and will transpire afterwards. Please do keep that in mind.

I wanted this to have a much sadder ending, even though I kind of hated myself for it, heh. But lo and behold I wrote a not-so-bad one after all. Ugh. Curse my inner idealism and desire for happy (or at least hopeful) endings. Curse you subconscious, I say!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is a bastion of purity and light; when ponies see her, they see not a pony but a force, a serene being of light and happiness.
Except when she drinks.

Rated T for alcohol and other things.

Chapters (1)

Years ago, two unicorn prodigies attended the same school without knowing it. One became changed by friendship at an early age--the other far later in life.

At a fashion show gone wrong, the two prodigies at last meet. Being who they are, it's impossible for them to resist comparing notes...

(Companion image graciously provided by TurboSolid on DA. Thanks!)

Chapters (5)

It's tough, living with your past mistakes. Even harder when no one else will let you forget. They say that's what the alcohol is for. Shame, really. Sometimes you don't want to drink anymore. Sometimes all you need is a hug.
-Fizzlepop BerryTwist

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon/Luna has been banished to the moon by her sister Celestia. However unknown to Celestia herself, Nightmare Moon/Luna had some extra baggage with her at the time....

Based off a picture post I saw floating around a site. I decided to write for 60 minutes to see what I could make. Here's the primary result.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Eyes So Dark

In an attempt to relieve her boredom as a prisoner, Rarity convinces Empress Andromeda to let her tag along on a trip to an abandoned town–a town Rarity will discover is a graveyard in more ways than one.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac. Artwork is also by Maxima.

Chapters (1)

[2nd Person] [Silent Protagonist] [Pinkie Pie] [Romance]

After retiring from your music career as a talented musician in Canterlot, you move to Ponyville to live out your days in peace and tranquility. However, when a certain pink party pony forcibly involves herself in your life, you wonder how you're going to survive this onslaught of randomness, her obsession with parties, and why she can't keep her hooves off your hat.

Rated T for Mild Language, Suggestive Situations, and Black Top Hats.

Chapters (18)