Twilight wakes in the middle of the night, haunted by a terrifying dream—one that's not so hard to see coming true. One that whispers of a grand destiny awaiting her as a reward for all her hard work, discipline, and noble sacrifice.

But what if she doesn't want a grand destiny?

Chapters (2)

Set directly after the events of Magical Mystery Cure.

Twilight Sparkle has just been crowned Equestria's newest princess. Shortly after her coronation, Princess Celestia tells Twilight that they need to talk. Then Celestia bursts into flames.

This little one-shot came to me a little while back. I have no idea where it came from. Beware of OOC moments and fourth-wall breaking.

Cover art by elrunion136 of deviantART. Pre-read by TorontoFCBrony.

If you (dis)liked this story, I would love to know why so I can improve my writing.

Chapters (1)

It turns out that ponies don't need to go to the bathroom because they run on cold fusion.

Meanwhile, Maud Pie has found a bunch of glowing, green rocks. I wonder what they could be?

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a normal night. Attempt number two at a slumber party for Twilight Sparkle. While her friend Applejack couldn't join in the fun, she was still delighted to have her friend Rarity with her. But how will the night end when she lets her biggest secret out?

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a problem on her hooves. An hour before Celestia was supposed to come to Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration, she's accidentally gone and killed everyone dead. As in, "dead as a doornail" dead. Now she's got to fix it before Celestia shows up and finds out.

Or, at the very least, make sure that Celestia doesn't know that they're dead.

Blame Blueshift for this.
Now with a sequel!
Now with a reading, graciously provided by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has found a spellbook dedicated for transformation spells and is experimenting with some of them in her basement. Everything goes swimmingly until she is surprised by a sudden crash from the library above, causing her to accidentally hit herself with a beam of magic...

...which mercilessly shrinks her down until she is just about two or three inches long.

Now she just has to find a way to return herself back into her original size.

Chapters (1)

A timeless foe threatens the land of Equestria, neigh the world and beyond, and only Princess Twilight Sparkle is able to prevent this crisis. She will most certainly embark on a legendary quest that will undoubtedly span many written volumes and be filled, filled to the brim with rock hard drama, life-changing decisions that may jeopardize friendships and even a few cheap laughs along the way. Or not.

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel to Injuring Eternity.

Life is like a train ride, don't you think, dearest? The tracks have been set, destination picked and the ticket is well in hoof. What a shame that so many, myself included, are so focused on the destination that they fail to realize a universal truth.

Destinations will change, trains will be caught and missed, but there will always be somepony willing to journey with you—so long as you let them.

Thanks to the amazing lilfunkman for the gorgeous cover art.

Now with a russian translation!

Chapters (9)

Ocellus has been having some conflicting thoughts on her place at the School of Friendship. She loves her time there, and the friends she's made, but she can't help but wonder if there's anything more to it than just friendship. So she does the sensible thing and asks her guidance councilor.

Chapters (1)

Inspired by Friendship with Benefits is Magic. Not intended as a direct followup as much as my own take on the idea. What is Celestia to do when Twilight Sparkle shares a little too much? And why doesn't Twilight have any idea what she's talking about? And why is Luna smiling so much!?

Followed up by yet another epistolary conversation between Twilight and Celestia about the magic of not knowing what the hay that other pony is talking about. Features a special guest appearance by naughty!Luna.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

Chapters (2)