
One day, after tearing apart dimensions, Discord stumbles across a small clay animal that seems to support plant life. He finds this amusing. Pranks ahoy!

Celestia wakes up to a very green morning...Wait, GREEN?


Now featured on Las Pegasus Tribune! Feature!
Re-Feature! Thanks Cerulean Voice!
NOTE: These ARE broken links, but they will stay in memory of the site. Rest In Pony, LPT.

This fic is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!Woot!

Chapters (1)

An experiment gone right has successfully left Rainbow Dash's rainbow mane in Twilight's vial. But when Pinkie stops by for a visit and mistakes the rainbow for a drink, she decides that all of her friends must try this amazing creation.

How can this go wrong?

Side effects, of course.

Chapters (1)

Nobody likes visiting the doctor's office. Always telling you you're not healthy enough, have to go on a diet, eat less snacks and so forth. Not so with Pinkie Pie! She's been ready for this. Has planned for years for this special moment. Now, it all comes down to this.

What is taking the nurse so long!

Story inspired by mrbastoff's comic, which is used for the cover art. Check it out and his other stuff for some fun art. Editing done by my friends bathroomstahl and Meridian Prime, you guys rock! Pre-read by Foals Errand and Zomg. Cheers!

Chapters (1)

After finding a chess set in the library's storage closet, Twilight is eager to play a few games and turns to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Teaching the two most competitive ponies in Ponyville a new game should be a snap, right? RIGHT?!

Chapters (1)

After a late night of studying, Twilight Sparkle finds herself desperately wishing she could just get some sleep. However, she has class that day and, being the student that she is, she's not about to miss it over something as unimportant as sleep! However, when she gets to her class she discovers that staying awake may be a bit harder than she thought...
Note: I was inspired to write this right after I fell asleep in a class where we were discussing Alice in Wonderland. Go figure.

Chapters (1)

I'm sure you can all relate to this.

Now with a reading by TheCaptainSand! Check it out here!

Lovinlife did a review of this fic! (Rating: 9.6 out of 10)

Chapters (1)

You'll never understand a pony until you walk a mile in their horseshoes. Or more appropriately, until a magical goddess forces you to switch bodies with the other in an effort to force the lesson upon you. That's right, its a body swap fiction! Starring everyone's favorite musical ponies, Vinyl and Octavia! (Partially narrated by Princess Luna)

Chapters (11)

Set in Lopoddity's Pandora-verse, where Discord and Twilight had a daughter. Pandora wants to know if draconequuses have their own country. After Discord's attempt to correct her pronounciation is mistaken by Pandora for the name of the country, Discord tells her a bedtime story about the fate of the country Draconequui and all the draconequuses that ungrammatically lived within it. And dad-trolls the heck out of her in general. Written with permission.

(Image is actually from moments after Pandora's hatching, though I may replace it if Lopoddity publishes a Discord-and-Pandora image that seems more apropos.)

Chapters (1)

When Prince Blueblood crafts a new magical spell, he is transported to a mystical plane of existence. There, he is informed that he is to become a full-fledged alicorn prince.

He takes it rather well, all things being considered.

Equestria as a whole takes it a small bit less enthusiastically.

Blueblood's Ascension Series:
Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams
Background Ascension; or, Alicorns are "in" This Season (Side Stories)

Recommended Reading Order:
1. Blueblood's Ascension; or, Alicorns Just Aren't What They Used to Be
2. Background Ascension; or, the Heart of an Alicorn
3. Brother's Ascension; or, Alicorn Sales-Ponies Nonpareil
4. Backstory Ascension; or, Apple Alicorns are Anonymous
5. Beauty's Ascension; or, An Alicorn Love Story
6. Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince
7. Bogus Ascension; or, Alicorns Don't Count for Much Nowadays
8. Badguy Ascension; or, An Alicorn's Crime of Fashion
9. Blank Flank Ascension; or, A Very Alicorn Hearth's Warming Eve
10. Blueblood's Ascension Part III; or, Even Alicorns Have Dreams

Chapters (8)

Shocking, how Celestia never taught Cadance the Royal Canterlot Voice. And Twilight will need to learn it as well. What can a Princess of the Night do but hold a class to teach this essential art for princesses? Hopefully she knows how to maintain classroom discipline....

Cover by Guardian Core.

Chapters (1)