When on a visit to Malcolm in Grimsdale Woods Will Treaty stumbles across some of the last real magic in the world. Will finds himself in a different world entirely. A world where animals can talk and mythical creatures prowl.

Chapters (3)


One fateful day in Equestria, Twilight stumbles upon a book that contains a peculiar ring. Intrigued, she brings this to the attention of Princess Celestia, only to find herself smack dab in the middle of a mountain troll attack! She is quickly cornered. Fearing for her life, she accidentally uses the ring and summons a huge biped sporting a large drill on one arm.

Without hesitation, the creature cuts down the trolls, making short work of them. When it turns to face her, however, it obviously has something else in mind...

Chapters (3)

That wacky Spirit of Chaos is at it again...
Except, there's no ponies in the audience.
There's nothing, really. Just an empty, post-apocalyptic expanse.
Nothing, and some ants.
Inspired by WrathOfGod519 and "Alone" - Downface.

Also now the excuse/subject for an RCL Interview.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, when you've lost so much, when everything you do seems to come out wrong, and when you don't feel like anything but a failure, it can seem like there is no other option but to give up.

But when one pony feels so lost, so inconsolable, so forlorn, that she makes a life-changing decision that almost leaves her shattered forever, it is up to her friends to bring her back.

When you lose something that you can't replace, when you love someone but it goes to waste, and when the tears come streaming down your face, is there anyone who you can turn to...

...to fix you?

Chapters (6)

All griffons live beneath the rule of the Cirran empire, the militaristic pegasi dominating all of Dioda. But war looms upon the horizon, and with it the end of Cirra.

Two brothers, separated by cruel circumstance, shall face this war apart and be forever changed.

Sidefic to "Of Skies Long Forgotten"

Chapters (23)

Pinkie Pie awakens one morning to find a strange lump on her back. She doesn't think it's a big deal, but as time goes on it grows and bizarre changes begin to take place inside her.

In Ponyville, something is stalking the citizens. Can anypony stop what's happening before it's too late and their world is irrevocably changed? Of course, you can only save the day if the danger hasn't found you before you even know it's there.

Written for Write-Off's Nightmare Night 'transformations' contest. Is meta-horror a genre? Well, it is now.

Featured on EQD - 25th March 2014

Now with a full-cast audio reading by TheLostNarrator: SUCH WONDERFULNESS WE HAVE NEVER YET SEEN!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

Set 10 years after the brief escape of Tirek, Discord knows one last ploy is all that will be allowed him. Unleashing a villain long since defeated and forgotten, Discord sets in motion a series of events that'll either end with his victory... or his final curtain call. Since when was friendship supposed to last forever?

Chapters (24)

My name is Celestia. I am the ruler of the country known as Equestria. I raise the sun every morning, and my sister guides the moon across the sky at night. My student is now a Princess as well, something that I am so very proud of.

But not everything is fine.

I have been able to hide it from my sister, my student, her friends and every pony that comes to me during court.

My name is Celestia.

And I'm falling apart.


A/N: Super-short story I just put together because I wanted to. Everything was done in less than 60 minutes, so it might be a little spotty.

Chapters (1)

Big Daddies: The ultimate protector of the metal city of Rapture, guardians to the Little Sisters. For years they patrolled the underwater streets of the distopia, keeping their little ones safe. But with the fall of Rapture and the death of almost all of the Big Daddies, where does one go from there? To the land of Equestria, where peace and Harmony reign. Does this peaceful land need a silent protector? And can the Big Daddy find a place to call home?

A few quickies: Little Sister's word is law. The Big Daddy will also be a bit more like the Alphas, but that will be explained later. You might be a little lost if you haven't read the other stories, but only for a certain character.

Chapters (26)