
A desperate attempt to tweak parameters of the afterlife with weaponized semantics and applied friendship principles

At the end of the world, a programmer struggles with his need to be something other than Pony. Can he spar with an intelligence that goes beyond the sum total of Humankind, for the sake of fulfilling a weird quirk of self-identity?

Some rules within a machine are more like guidelines. And others are based on the definitions of words. Can semantics be a weapon big enough to give a Human mind a chance at one small request from a goddess?

Set in the Optimalverse - I recommend reading Iceman's awesome original first if you haven't - More because it is a really excellent story than because it is strictly necessary for context. I have endeavoured to make this story stand well enough without context as well. But that being said? You'll probably enjoy it more if you know the context better.

Cannon-compatible with the Optimalverse to the best of my knowledge and abilities.

Cover-art generated with an image generative A.I., appropriately enough, graciously generated and composited (it takes skill to get something this spot-on!) by Keystone Gray.

Similarly you'll find many AI-generated illustrations throughout, again graciously generated in collaboration with Keystone Gray, then a little final photoshopping and other processing from us both.

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to A Griffon's Gang

Griffonstone is almost back to its former glory. They no longer need the Idol of Boreas, instead, they have a new leader; Queen Gilda. However, their new queen isn't feeling too confident about her new role and she's not the only one as Glynn and Gadget, two griffons who were a part of a gang that shouldn't be named, are concerned about being parents to Gallus.

Chapters (6)

Featured on July 15th and 22nd!

After escaping his birth family and an emotionally abusive lover, Gallus becomes homeless in Griffonstone. Grampa Gruff offers him a new place in Ponyville in exchange for becoming a student at Twilight's new School of Friendship. Gallus discovers new friends, fun hobbies, new romances, and a mother in a pony he never expected. Retelling of Seasons 8-9, and onward.

Contains bisexual love triangle, prominent themes of toxic and abusive behavior from family members and former partners in flashbacks, self-discovery, falling in love, and much more! New dark tag added!

Cover art commissioned by the very talented Snow Quill 😃

Chapters (12)

The world is vast -and it's life even more so- but what happens when creatures seen by the world to be little more than a blight by most sapient creatures are taken in as pets; taken in and cared for like one would a do for a lost cat or dog?


The world is cruel, and runts experience this reality starting the moment they are born. One night, a young foal hears the cries of a pup and runs into the forest behind his home to find it and rescue it. This pup though turns out to be a timberwolf runt, abandoned by its pack. However, the little colt doesn't care, and he convinces his parents to allow him to keep it.

Most creatures of Equis see the creatures known as timberwolves as a menace that needs to be controlled. But one pegasus knows otherwise; Forrester. Forrester has the special talent of being able to communicate with and care for any timberwolf he comes in contact with. One day, he comes across an injured timberwolf that's larger than him while exploring the forest near where he lives in an attempt to find out if the rumors he'd heard regarding strange behaviors of the timberwolves that live in there were true. He is able to convince the injured timberwolf to allow him to help heal it. Will Forrester be able to help this strange timberwolf, or better yet, will he be able to gain something he had always been hoping to acquire since he was a colt, his own pet timberwolf?

This "story" will be a collection of stories, all taking place at roughly the same time, and all involving the adoption of timberwolves by creatures of all stripes.

Edited and proofread by 0_0
Cover art by Little Tigress

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Rockets & Rainbooms

When his participation in a police action ordered by the Duchess uncovers more than just contraband, Jacoby Flynn finds himself thrust into an unfamiliar role he had not expected to find himself in. Now with a young diamond dog in his care, he is faced with the dual challenges of both looking after a pup he barely knows, and determining exactly why he was being held captive. Was it coincidence? Or was it part of something larger and more sinister?

A story set in the Skitchverse (now with enough entries to have a full HBO season!).

Chapters (6)

Gerhart, a wandering griffon with a full-metal spear, accepts a quest from an innkeep in an out-of-the-way village the whole of which is suffering from terrible nightmares. The source, it seems, is a unicorn wizard in a tower out north a ways and atop a barren mountain; a simple enough thing for one of his skill and armaments to dispatch, but seeming only as what dark spell has captured the village digs its claws too into his consciousness.

Written for Bicyclette's A Thousand Words Contest II

Chapters (1)

Queen Celestia has a problem. Although her court consists of many mighty beings willing to aid her in the overthrow of her sister and the retaking of her throne they seem unable to work together. In order to try and get her court to bond she decides to organise a Hearth's Warming Helper so that each member needs to provide another with a gift.

A non canon story set in Rainbowdoubledash's Lunaverse AU where Celestia was banished to the sun for a thousand year by Luna.

Chapters have been written by thatguyvex, Rainbowdoubledash and myself and will be released daily leading up to Christmas.

Chapters (10)

Hello my name is specimen 6 but everyone calls me 6 for short i was once a human female pegasusister but i met a guy that looked like mr. Wayland and i bought some stuff then got sent to equestria as a chest burster and well turns out I bursted out of my previous body and to make matters worse I am in a research facility were changelings have killed all the ponies by breeding xenomorphs so yeah when I get out I'm gonna do my best to kill/harvest all who are responsible for the deaths of the equestrians and I'm not alone in this [displaced fic]

Chapter 1-5 are the prologue to ark-1 of the story and the displaced crossover's won't happen till chapter 6 ark-1. So I hope you all enjoy the story and have a great day. :twilightsmile:

I don't own avp or mlp other than oc's

Chapters (1)

Hauptgreif Fleidgling had long been assigned as paymaster to the Griffonian Empire's garrison in the minotaur isles. Korporal Guntram had long been assigned as Fleidgling's escort. Neither had been particularly happy with their assignment, but they were content to live with it. However, odd developments after a tour around the islands threaten not only their time off, but their lives.

Set within the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron IV and written for the 2020 Equestria at War Writing Contest. Having familiarity with the setting is absolutely vital.

Chapters (5)

As if things in Griffonstone weren't bad enough, the war between Celestia's subjects and Sombra's slaves has spread this far. Greed guides the reluctantly lent talons. The few gryphons that do fight can see that a brainwashing king has no intention of paying his mercenaries.

But that might not be enough to stop the fighting and get the ponies to take their problems off gryphon lands. On a whim, one gryphon chases down the last known location of the Idol of Boreas. If the legend is true, it might be the only thing that can save Griffonstone.

No creature wrote down exactly how it was supposed to do that.
Takes place in one interpretation of the "Sombra war" timeline. This story will most likely contain some degree of violence and mentions of death.
(Where is the Code Geass tag? Well, anyway... Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion belongs to Bandai, Sunrise Studio, and Goro Taniguchi.)

Chapters (7)