Jessica finds herself flung into a world she has little concept of. Everything is strange and new to her, but worst of all she cannot communicate with the native inhabitants. A world of monsters and sapient ponies, griffons and other assorted beasts is no place for a human girl.

How will Jessica cope? Without an understanding of their language how will she make her way in the world, will she even be able to ever communicate with them? Why was she even brought into the world and is there even a way for her to get home?

(Thanks to Tulip for the Cover image!)

(Also now apparently has a Tv Tropes page in the making. )

Now has a re-telling in progress focusing on the Equestrians' side of things, A Stranger Among the Voices

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Syncopation

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica. There's nopony in all of Equestria that doesn't know these names. They are the pinnacles of their genres and the peaks of every genre in between, but it wasn't always this way.

When they first met, Octavia was fresh out of the Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was the only member of Syncopated Records, a new music company created by Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur de Lis. They have grown since then, overcome trials both as individuals and as a company, but Fancy Pants still has greater plans for his company. Plans to expand, to become bigger names, to be known not only in Canterlot, but in all of Equestria! In order to do this, the musicians of Syncopated Records, Vinyl, Octavia, Harpo Parish Nadermane, and Lyra Heartstrings will travel through the princessdom, playing their songs and trying to make their own mark in music.

But it will be difficult. They'll have to be more than a company and more than a music group. They'll have to work together, getting used to their off-beat attitudes until they can work as one.

Syncopation must meet with Synchronization.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to You Can't C Me

Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor were just minding their own business on the edge of the Everfree Forest.

But suddenly, a man they've never seen before steps out of the woods. His request? For one of them to shoot him in the face.

Where did he come from? Who is he? Why does he want to be shot in the face?

Who cares? Just shoot him in the face.

Chapters (1)

Shortly after the events of Daring Don't, master archeologist Daring Do remembers a legacy that she'd long forgotten in her studies as a young adventurer. Now, Rainbow Dash might hold the key to uncovering the greatest treasure Daring Do will likely ever find.

But will Rainbow Dash embrace her destiny?

Or will Daring Do's dream of finding the greatest treasure she's ever imagined end in failure?

Editing done by Cherry Frosting

Chapters (1)

The global dust storm of a century, the dying message of an indomitable robot, and a unicorn who just can’t let go of a mystery.

(Now with a dramatic reading by Skijaramaz - Tone Shift.)
(Russian translation available at ponyfiction.org.)

Chapters (26)

Bill Cipher finds himself in the magical land of Equestria. Discord cordially invites him to tea, but unfortunately this place is only big enough for one spirit of chaos.

Contains spoilers for the Gravity Falls series finale.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Going Through the Motions

No pony said that pregnancy was easy, still the whole ordeal catches them both by surprise.

Chapters (11)

Desperation can make a pony do a lot of crazy things. Lie. Cheat. Steal. Pay a call on two ponies who were trying to kill her the last time she saw them.

Of course, she was trying to kill them, too, back then.

But that's all in the past! And now that their daughter Rarity is on Princess Twilight's new ruling council, set to become a leader in the Equestrian government once Princess Celestia and Princess Luna actually step down, well, everything'll be totally different and so much better, right?

As long as the truth doesn't come out, of course...

An entry in the Ancestral Tribute contest, this story was awarded 3rd place, and its title comes from David Mallett's song "Ambition."

Chapters (1)

When Twilight comes back from her week long visit to her brother's house, she finds out that everything has changed. Canterlot High is babbling about some magic girl from another world, but Twilight knows better. There's no such thing as magic, or portals into other worlds.


EDIT: Wow. Never expected the feature. And by the way, thank you for anyone who commented with a consructive criticism. I'll be reading as many as I can and keeping them all in mind for the future chapters as well as going back to edit the past ones periodically. Enjoy the story!

EDIT 2: Went into the first chapter and tried to fix up the 'Twilight did X' issue that many people commented on. (Thank you to those who did.) Hopefully it is a bit more readable now.

EDIT 3: After fan feedback on a massive error I made where Princess Cadence was an out of control lunatic, I rewrote the Twilight meets Twilight scene so that it flows better and actually stays in character. Thank you for anyone who made a comment about this, I am listening to your feedback and writing my future chapters accordingly. (If there are any more of these, I'm going to keep these in a changelog in a blog post.)

Chapters (8)

Due to an freak electrical storm one video game character known as Wreck-It Ralph gets sent flying out of the Arcade power grid by way of a runaway game tram. Eventually ending up in a computer program area where all the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic shows are stored on the internet, the now lost and most defiantly out of place 'bad guy' is stuck in the land of Equestria since unlike the Arcade world. TV Characters don't leave their areas as copies are made of them and their world and sent off instead to users, and worse still none of them even known of this fact and think their worlds are real.

Now Ralph will have to find a way back home before Litwak's Arcade opens after repairs from the storm is over and Litwak finds out he is missing again and the game gets unplugged. At the same time he must prove himself to the ponies he is not a bad guy even though his job is to be a 'bad guy', and maybe along the way he will make new friends and the ponies will learn that sometimes 'bad guys' are not as two dimensional as they seem.

WARNING! WARNING! Wreck-It Ralph Movie spoilers are inside! WARNING! WARNING!

Chapters (4)