This story is a sequel to Eyes So Dark

In an attempt to relieve her boredom as a prisoner, Rarity convinces Empress Andromeda to let her tag along on a trip to an abandoned town–a town Rarity will discover is a graveyard in more ways than one.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac. Artwork is also by Maxima.

Chapters (1)

After Nightmare Moon’s banishment, a mother struggles to cope with the death of her daughter and the lies being told about Princess Luna. In her despair, she is driven to a desperate attempt to find closure.

She will visit the moon in the Dreaming, and bring back her Princess of the Night.

Now on Equestria Daily!
Finalist and 11th place finisher in the Writeoff.me Great Expectations event.

Thanks to my editors: Alicorn Priest, Tek and Seether00

Chapters (1)

Ahuizotl stands above the remains of his mortal foe. Mrs. Do’s sudden passing evokes a great many feelings in the ancient immortal.

Triumph is not one of them.

Fourth Place in the August Write-Off - I Regret Nothing.

Chapters (1)

[2nd Person] [Silent Protagonist] [Pinkie Pie] [Romance]

After retiring from your music career as a talented musician in Canterlot, you move to Ponyville to live out your days in peace and tranquility. However, when a certain pink party pony forcibly involves herself in your life, you wonder how you're going to survive this onslaught of randomness, her obsession with parties, and why she can't keep her hooves off your hat.

Rated T for Mild Language, Suggestive Situations, and Black Top Hats.

Chapters (18)

Ever since her return, Luna's been hesitant to return to the Dreamscape, believing that ponies don't need her entering their dreams anymore. Finally deciding to take a chance, Luna comes across what appears to be a nightmare. Within lies a boastful mare, completely astounding the audience with her performance. However, things change when the act is over when Luna catches a glimpse of the pony within.

Can Luna reach past this mare's boastful exterior? Can she find the truth behind the act?

Contest entry for the EFNW Pre-Con Writing Contest 2015
Edited by Lightning Sword and Ersmiller
Proofread by The Fan Without a Face

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, bad things happen to good ponies. A year following a tragic incident, Twilight Sparkle returns to Ponyville to visit what she has been missing - her town, her memories, and most importantly, her friends. But will everything be as she remembers it?

This story has a sequel titled "In History, Maybe".

Chapters (1)

Most cutie mark stories are happy, exciting tales of finding one's special talent. But not Mac's story. And after Apple Bloom gets into a fight at school, Big Macintosh decides it's time he told her his own cutie mark tale.

Caution: Feels inside.

Spanish Translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/La-manzana-en-su-flanco-1022796216

Chapters (1)

After a long night of partying with her old friends at the Castle Courtyard, Moondancer once again heads back home.

But despite all the good that has transpired that night... and unbeknownst to anypony else... there are still some inner demons left for her to confront when she arrives.


Based around the events of the episode Amending Fences. Rated for sad and dark themes.

Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has lived a full life but now she's a 115-year-old pony lying on her deathbed and waiting to pass on. As her time draws near, she receives a visit from a mysterious mare who has come to seek out the answer to a simple curiosity.

Chapters (1)

A man comes to Equestria. It's nice. Rainbow Dash becomes his friend, but something's bothering her...

He seems to be hiding something. He's told her a lot of things, things he hasn't talked about to anypony else, but there's still something eating at him. So, she psyches herself up for a visit to get to the bottom of it.

Chapters (2)