Sunset has a pretty unique job, streaming online! She talked about her job in passing, but when she misses a sleepover to do her job, the girls are just curious enough to check it out. What they find is a whole lot more of their friend than they expected.

Original concept by AmIDeadInside

Part of the B_25 vs Flutterpriest 24 Hour Writeoff

Chapters (1)

Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'

She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!

Chapters (1)

Since Luna's return, the diarchs' discussions have ranged from pleasantly inane small talk to world-shaking affairs of state. Sometimes both at once.

Inspired by Estee's The Elements of Elements collection. Now with a reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

Applejack dares Rainbow Dash to dig a hole.

Rainbow Dash digs herself into a hole.

Based on a true story.

Spanish translation

Chapters (1)

Hello, Equestria. My name is Princess Luna, and my sister is an idiot. The object of her idiocy – her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle – appears to share her stupidity. Luckily, I am here to lend them a helping hoof.

I can't really blame them, though. They're just so adorable when they're completely clueless.


100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

Where am I? Who are all these creatures calling themselves ponies? Why are they calling me Spike? Most importantly, how do I get home?

Chapters (4)

Luna takes a morning stroll, and then realizes that she should really have known better.

Posted with actual art, because I only wrote the story because of said actual art. The guy is pretty cool, check out his deviant art.

Now with a reading at https://youtu.be/u7yPTBjJ4Uo
by http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ScarlettBlade
Check it out!

Not at all a thing I'd usually write.

Chapters (1)

Before she became Nightmare Moon, Luna fought many adversaries who threatened Equestria. And since her return, new and old enemies have appeared with alarming frequency. But the land had peace for a thousand years while Luna was on the moon, and now the princess questions how such a thing could be possible.

Celestia offers her a completely logical and reasonable explanation.

Now with an audiobook by Illya Leonov.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has had plenty of interesting drunken moments. That night with the mule, the time she woke up on pirate ship in the middle of the sea, and who could forget the time she woke up with a pair of wings, a horn, and a fancy tiara. Oh, and a hangover the size of the sun.

Warning: Drunken Silliness and plenty of foul mouthing

So me and Fuzzyfurvert were having a conversation about how it would be funny if we made a fic with a slightly similar idea to Conker's Bad Fur Day. It extended to Celestia being an earth pony who had one too many to drink. So you can blame him for this silliness.

Chapters (1)

Luna couldn't be more excited for the events of her first Nightmare Night since her return. But, call it sisterly worries, Celestia wants to make sure she does the right things for her first impression. Formalities change after a thousand years you know.

Art created by egophiliac of DeviantART.

Chapters (1)