A myth of ancient Equestria. When the God of Breaking Rules loses his love, a mortal mare, he goes on a quest to break the most sacred rule of the gods, the law of life and death, and return her to the world of the living. Whatever it takes.

And it's going to take everything.

(Note: the gore tag doesn't apply to the whole thing, mostly just to chapter 3, and it's written like a myth, not with a lot of detail or realism, but I thought I'd best include the tag to be safe. There's also actually sex, but it's *so* non-explicit that I actually thought adding the tag would be misleading. If folks think it belongs, I can add it on.)

Progress Bar

Chapters (9)

Back home from "The Sandbox", one soldier tries to rebuild and restart his life. Though broken and depressed from battle, he is unsure about his place in life. Still living inside the bottle, he discovers MLP:FiM, which gives him hope and motivation to carry on. But his trip to the Central Library one day is what seals the fate of this soldier's future.

A small salute to those who have put themselves on the line and those who are going to.

I love the feedback and i'll try to respond to everything

Chapters (30)

The mane six take shelter in a place that is, for now, safe from a disaster occurring outside.

This gruesome tale of violence and death is not recommended for colts, fillies, or the faint of heart.

Chapters (1)

Often called a psychotic, meth dealing hillbilly with a habit of untamed violence and murder sprees, Trevor Philips is someone that no one wants to mess with. The body pile he leaves behind and then sets on fire just for the heck of it proves that. But after a particularly deadly drug deal gone wrong, Trevor finds himself in a place even his disturbed mind has difficulty comprehending.

The feeling is mutual for the ponies.

Chapters (5)

Edited by: Arcanist Ascendant

The connections between worlds are tenuous at best, and some of the "simple" truths we clutch so frantically to are little better than drift wood on the endless sea of possibility. The young knight Morenth knows this better than most.

Having reached the pinnacle of his order, he has achieved the title of Paladin. As a slayer of all that is evil and unnatural one would think his faith indestructible, but Morenth harbors doubts.

Desperately, he throws himself into battle after battle, seeking to blind himself to the truth of his world. The truth that no matter how much light he brings to bear against the darkness, the struggle between good and evil will never be won.

Meanwhile, the unicorn prodigy, Twilight Sparkle's faith couldn't be stronger.

With the teachings of her mentor and the help of her friends, she has overcome even the darkness of King Sombra. Restoring peace not only to Equestria, but to the Crystal Empire as well.

During her adventure she was forced to use a form of magic she'd only seen her teacher use once. Magic Celestia could never have guessed Twilight would have to use.

Dark magic.

Curious as to how far she can take this new power, she runs afoul and finds herself in a world that truly reflects the nature of this new magic.

Chapters (25)

Celestia, the Lightbringer.
Luna, Mistress of the Night.
Twilight Sparkle, Master of Magic.
Cadance, Princess of Love.

Of the Four Princesses, Cadance is the one that ponies think they understand the most. After all, what could be so hard about being Princess of Love?

A lot of things, actually.

The first story in the Four Princesses, Four Demons series. Sequels are Celestia the Indomitable, Twilight the Triumphant, and Luna the Faithful.

Featured from 1-26-21 to 1-29-21, all thanks to the kind folks of this site, who even pushed it to the #2 spot.

Chapters (1)

Before recorded history, there was the Age of Chaos, when Discord ruled the world.

And in this age, there were two sisters.

The elder, a unicorn, possessed unprecedented refined senses and magical might. The younger sister was a pegasus, with insight beyond her years and the strange gift of walking through shadow and dream.

One day, they would be alicorns. Ponies and other intelligent beings would debate over whether they were goddesses.

But first, before anything else, they were children.

This is their story.

First Story of the Elsequestria Continuity and the Sunset Rising Continuity.

Artwork by Sixes_and_Sevens. Please check out their excellent artwork and stories.

(Note: during the Age of Chaos, time was soft and most attempts of marking its passage were meaningless. The titles of the first four chapters refer to the sisters' approximate stages of physical development.)

This chronology continues in Luna’s Gift.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle

A single life can affect so many others in such positive ways, but when it dies all are left to feel the aftermath. With the death of Princess Twilight Sparkle, assassinated at the hooves of both guards and nobles, a nation struggles to recover as the effects of her death are felt throughout Equestria.

The many lives that she had touched will never be the same. Each is their own story of their struggles, their sorrows, and their attempts to move on in the aftermath of tragedy.

(This story is complete!)


The one shot series sequel to The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle, that was inspired by the fanfic Ripples by BronyWriter.

Each chapter is about the other characters, outside of Celestia, who deal with the aftermath of Twilight's death in the first story. Some will be main characters, other minor, others OC. But all of them will be affected, all of them will mourn, and all will have to move on.

Feel free to add to the Assassination TV tropes page

Chapters (36)

In the wake of another hedonistic sleepover, the Cutie Mark Crusaders wile away the last of their weekend lounging about the clubhouse, reading comics, listening to music and stuffing their faces with junk food. However, their after party revelries come to a screeching halt when an unscheduled rainstorm rolls into Ponyville that turns creatures into twisted nightmares. There is much they don't know about the situation but one thing is clear: never touch the rain. Now stranded without adults by a storm seemingly without end, the three must try to survive in a leaky shelter on nothing but the leftovers of their sleepover aftermath. As the waters continue to rise, the status of Ponyville or even the Apple family, just yards away, remains unknown.

A comfy horror story based on childhood memories of rain, floods, parties and classic kids' games spawned from overactive imaginations.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Borderline

Reading the first one is not absolutely necessary, but strongly recommended.

I don’t know how, but Pinkie managed to escape from the Canterlot Prison for the Mentally Unbalanced, adding insult to injury to a nation which has already been shaken by her murders. Sugarcube Corner has been abandoned ever since her spree, but now something is stirring in there again.

I can’t help but shudder as Mully tells me to check on the disturbance. A part of me hopes that this will be just another case of a desperate teenager first dealing with misconduct. The other part dreads what I might find amidst the decrepit walls of what Pinkie once turned into a slaughterhouse.

A collaboration between Owlor, Lucefudu and jmj.
Edited by MikhailWilson.

[Cover art by Darkenshore and xArakayx; edited by MuzzledElk and MikhailWilson.]

Chapters (19)