
This story is a sequel to Cuddles

Ponies had plenty of festivals and celebrations for the changing seasons. Winter Wrap-Up, Spring Finish, Summer Sun Celebration, Summer’s End, Harvest Festival . . . they were a chance for ponies to socialize, to bond, and to prepare for what was to come next.

For all their schedules and festivals, there wasn't one for the first fire of the season, and there should have been.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio
Now with a Chinese translation by gezhehuohu!
Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)

Chapters (1)

"Gather round, I got a bit of a story to tell. It don't got much to do with princesses, dragons and the like- not even much of a happily ever after. But things worked themselves out all the same."

"This is the tale of a little filly, no older than the ones you see scurrying about town- futures as bright as their smiles."

"The Kid ain't have it so lucky."

"Her classmates, even some of her friends would poke fun at her. Some even called her a chicken.

Children can be cruel like that.

One day, Kid got some news, started believing all that hogwash. Broke her little heart something fierce. But between you and me, Kid had more guts than any chicken I seen."

"I should know, because I was there..."

(Narrated in the voice of Ruck from Bastion.)

Chapters (1)

The sequel to Role Reversal.

It's been several weeks since Smarty Pants began her life at Sweet Apple Acres. Even after the night she shared with Big Mac, he hasn't realised her true intentions. Seemingly, his definition of 'friend' is very different to her own. When Smarty catches wind of an upcoming competition, she hatches a plan in the hopes of finally making Big Mac understand her feelings. What can possibly go wrong?

Pre-read by the, oh, so lovely RainbowBob, and edited by the omniscient Fluttrick!

Chapters (3)

Apple Honey, who runs a farm supply and repair shop and writes the Ponyville Express in her spare time, has a perfectly ordinary day.

A Pony Planet story

Chapters (3)

What happens when the C.E.O of a company whose motto is 'We sell products and get in fights' appears in a world full of candy-colored ponies? We're going to find out the hard way in this one shot, action packed fic!

TF2 and MLP belong to their legal owners

Chapters (1)

As a waiter in a fancy restaurant, I often have to put up with unforeseeable events and irritated complaints coming from our picky customers.
This one, however, is new - even for me.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do, the legendary treasure-hunter, having recently retrieved her latest artifact, now has to face her rather awkward family.

*Character portraits redacted to avoid spoilers*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Canterlot Has Fallen

Time marches forward in Equestria, and yet the allure of "what if?" remains. Twilight wonders about the "what ifs" as she tries to guide Equestria to a bright and prosperous future. Cadance wonders about the "what ifs" as she sees her daughter growing.

The power of "what if" tempts once again, but are the little ponies really ready for the answers?

Pre-read & Edited by: Illustrious Q & El Oso
Cover art by: SpokenMind93

Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Past Sins! Thank you all so much for letting me and my stories be part of the community!

Chapters (6)

All of the girls speak directly to his face, and it feels like none of them listen to a single word which emerges from his mouth. They treat him as a prize: something which will say how special they were for being able to win him. There are boys in Hogwarts who would relish that shallow level of attention, and Bill Weasley isn't one of them. Sometimes it feels like there's no one in the world who understands.

But some say there are other worlds. And no one doesn't mean nopony.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drive

A night of driving in the fog turns into an unbelievable adventure when Al accidentally crashes his Jeep in a foreign world. Hoping to thumb a ride by the side of the road, he's shocked when a trucker pulls over to offer him a lift . . . but she's a pony.

Reading by AShadowOfCygnus

Chapters (3)