The farmer’s daughter was not Rarity's friend. She never would be, either. Ever.

Now available in audio form! Thank you to the lovely ObabScribbler!

Chapters (1)

Octavia and Vinyl had a happy life together. But even Vinyl isn't immortal. Death reaches us all, and Vinyl's death hits
Octavia hard, especially at Vinyl's funeral, the last chance she will ever see her love again.

Chapters (1)

As the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration approaches, Celestia dares to dream that Luna will be willing to start over.

Companion piece to Luna Loved.

Chapters (1)

The Apple sisters fall down a well and can't get out.
They argue about what truly matters in life
as rain falls and the water slowly rises around them.

Featured on Equestria Daily August 7, 2014
Audio reading by Crafty Arts

Chapters (1)

A trapped beast, lost within his own mind. A strong princess with an untold past and pain. Their history is intertwined, but a happy ending was just a fairytale.

Pre-read and edited by frieD195 and FlowerGirl3765. Cover picture/Inspiration came from Spiritto.

Chapters (1)

Spike opens up to Twilight about his struggles with his gender identity.

Admitting you're not what others expect of you is difficult. Admitting you're not what you expect of yourself is even harder. And some things don't have simple answers. Spike can't figure out if his time in Ponyville has changed him, or if he was never quite what he imagined he would be in the first place.

Inspired by a comment in an article on autostraddle here: www.autostraddle.com/my-little-pony-lesbianism-is-magic-138465/

Chapters (1)

Glistening Spear is caught in a storm, only to be saved by a breed of dragon thought to be long extinct, wiped out by a historical plague. In return, she is asked to deliver an item of high importance to safety.

Preread by FamousLastWords and Adda le Blue

Proof read by Sky_Wolf

Chapters (1)

Ten years ago, Twilight made the ultimate sacrifice in order to defeat Tirek. Equestria has been in a state of civil war ever since.

Canterlot has at last fallen, and the six heroes of the rebellion now go to face the ultimate challenge: defeating the godlike Twilight Sparkle. What they expect to be a brutal, hard won quest for glory and Equestria's salvation turns into something entirely different... and now they face a choice.

This story is a reaction piece against the Tyrant Sparkle trope.

Special thanks to Absolution for pre-reading and Danger Beans for proofreading.

Cover art credit: BluestreakFUS

Now with a Chinese Translation courtesy of Hellagur.

Chapters (1)

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie after the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

Thanks to CommanderX5 and Magic Man for editing.

Thanks to Neko-Me for the cover art.

Live Reading by Aria The Brony

Chapters (1)

Pear Butter writes letter after letter to her Estranged father in Vanhoover, hoping that one day he will forgive her and come back to see his family at Sweet Apple Acres.

Chapters (1)