The world is the midst a technological boom.

New techniques are being discovered faster than the inventions can be build to harness them for the everyday creature. Power harnesses for the weak, flight kits for the grounded, steam drills for the clawless, and a slew of smaller, but practical appliances to ease the burdens of life.

Yet, as the river time rushes pass one family is spared from its deadly game- the Royal Family.

Unfazed by the world around them, they trot on as they have done so for centuries with little change to their lifestyle. Antiqued by modern standards, but that’s what makes a royal family royal right?

Coverart belongs to therealf1rebird

Chapters (2)

The legends of Equestria are numerous so--
Alicorns, dragons, gryphons, and zebras, yea!
But there is one more than all ponies know,
One that will ever remain their ultimate prey.

One seeks the sea's dry on the moon's midday,
But this fable chooses to whom itself to show:
Noöne is more taxed and unfortunate than they
Who had tried this gift themselves to bestow.

Now the adventures of a colt we shall follow,
One who chanced upon such a treat one day--
Then he was on a journey with his new mæstro
Wherein wisdom to circulate was given away.

What, the question gœs, is this magical thing?
Why, it's the Blue Rose-- greater than any king!

Preread by Shinzakura and approved by Eldorado. Thanks, mates!

Reviewed by PaulAsaran.

Reviewed by Winter_Solstice (via Rage Reviews!).

Chapters (10)

The war that engulfed the whole world had an incredible impact on the minds of all beings. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the war had the greatest impact on ordinary soldiers. Everyone has experienced a wide range of emotions. The euphoria of victory over an ancient enemy, fear for the future, blind confidence in the correctness of ideals and much more.

All these feelings require someone to come out. And what could be better than a song?

I am not very experienced in poetry, so I really appreciate any advice and comments.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to [EAW] The Imperial Agreement

As the supposed delegation arrives from Aquileia, the Chancellor River Swirl of the River Republic decides to welcome them personally with the hopes of improving relations, but sadly for her, this won't be the case.
Cover art by me

Chapters (1)

A story set one year before Fire on the Mountain.

Baldric's Day — One of the biggest national celebrations in the Gryphon Confederacy. There are few like it, but this day is special in every gryph's eyes.

But this year, in the little hamlet of Talon's Reach, the celebrations go awry as a terrible crime befalls the town: The death of their beloved mayor, Tala Whitetalon. At first, the murder is seen as happenstance, committed by a crazy gryphon with no love for his mother. However, as the investigation goes deeper, terrible truths expose themselves, leading to a sinister explanation.

Chapters (2)

Medics are usually depicted as your best friend on the battlefield. They care for the sick, the dying, and the injured. They stay back from the action to avoid dying, and they are the most useful in wars.

Well, for this Medic, most of that isn't true.

Meet the Medic Bot, a German Robot that does not care for the sick and dying, does not stay away from the action, and is the enemy's worst frickin' nightmare.


Because Fuck you, that's why!

((Note, this is Anime MLP, not just anthro MLP.))

Chapters (3)


Once a mighty and feared kingdom, the sphinxes' ancestral home fell twenty years ago to turmoil and infighting.

A new Pharaoh sits on the throne in Thebanus now, and he has a single goal in mind: recover his ancestors’ legacy and unify the kingdom once more.

The Republic of Akhri stands in his way. Weak and unstable, plagued by corruption and an exploding social question, it's armies will not survive the coming onslaught.

And the Federated Kingdom of Owlstria, architect of the Southern Campaign that once brought Sphigypt to its knees, shows an ever-growing distance from a puppet that it never managed to fully control.

In the mist of all this, foreign powers have set their sight on these lands, some openly, others not so, and this small, local conflict might very well spiral out of control, setting the entire continent ablaze in the process.

Captain Edward Blackwing doesn’t like being in Sphigypt. Still, that’s where he and his company are, assigned as garrison in the city of Kaska. There isn’t much to do, unless you’re interested in running behind petty river smugglers. And as day after day pass by, some might wonder if his career in the Owlstrian Royal Army has truly reached a dead end.

But as the threat from the West grows, Kaska itself turns into a powder keg ready to blow, and Blackwing will find himself in the middle of a literal maelstrom. Alone, and with only an handful of allies by his side, he will have to employ all his cunning and ruthlessness if he and his company are to survive, or they'll soon become the first casualties of a bigger and bloodier war.

A sandstorm is approaching, and heroes shall either be born or buried in its wake.

WARNING: This story contains violence and profanities, althought not so much of the latter. In any case, readers discretion is advised.

Chapters (8)

“Your highness?”


“My partner and I found this flight recorder. It was buried beneath the ground… it seems to contain some audio logs that had been lost through time.”

“I see. Does it say what happened to the members of the missing crew?”

“…Yes your highness…”

Written by Bit-By-Bit Studio

An MLP/Alien (1979) / Alien: Isolation Crossover

Cover Art by - JetXPegasus
Graphic Design and Typography by JetXPegasus

A/N: This story is a prequel to “My Little Alien: Friendship is Frightening,” and takes place after the events of, “The Fall of Sunset Shimmer,” and before Twilight Sparkle earned her cutie mark.

Chapters (1)

When Princess Twilight Sparkle founded the School Of Friendship, she sent out invitations for all kinds of species to send a member to attend and learn the ins and outs of camaraderie, one of which was the breezies.

Finally, after untold years of preparation, they are ready to send one such ambassador.

May Faust have mercy on his tiny soul.

Chapters (3)

Thomas Jefurrson is returning home from Griffonstone, after helping the Griffons unite in revolution, to return home to a free Equestria. Little does he know of the commotion currently going on in the Canterlot Courts.


Chapters (2)